What We Live For | Teen Ink

What We Live For

November 28, 2023
By kylienewton_ BRONZE, Spring Lake, New Jersey
kylienewton_ BRONZE, Spring Lake, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the endless canvas of the sky.  The gentle waves whispered secrets as they kissed the sandy shore. It was the kind of summer night that etches itself into memory, and I was at the heart of it, surrounded by friends and the rhythmic melody of the ocean. 

As the last rays of sunlight played hide-and-seek with the horizon of the Jersey shore, we decided to extend the magic of the evening. With a glance at each other, we abandoned our spots on the beach and made our way, running and laughing, to the wet sand that stretched out into the ocean. The warm ocean breeze carried the scent of salt and adventure, ruffling our hair as we reached the soft lapping of the waves. Without hesitation, we all leapt into the cool embrace of the water, and the splash resonated like a harmonious note, a symphony of laughter and the ripples echoing the joyous energy of our impulsive escapade.

The summer going to my freshmen year was filled with anxiety. I was starting high school at a new school, and I remember this moment because it was the one time when I forgot about leaving my friends, the difficulty of new classes, and how I would make new friends. In this moment, all the weight of transition left my shoulders. Submerged in the soothing embrace of the ocean, we became light as dandelion seeds in the wind, all worries and unrest left behind on the shore. As we resurfaced, the night air embraced us, a refreshing contrast to the warm oceanic depths. We swam further from the shore, guided only by the ethereal glow of the moon, as our laughter danced alongside the moonbeams.

Back on the shore, a bonfire crackled to life, casting a flickering glow on the beach. We gathered around, our damp clothes clinging to us, and the fire became the centerpiece of our intimate celebration. Marshmallows met their fate on the end of sticks, roasting to golden perfection as we exchanged stories and dreams in the fire's warm glow. The night progressed, a seamless blend of laughter, and beautiful conversation. The sand beneath us was a natural cushion, and the stars above painted a celestial masterpiece, adding to the enchantment of the summer night. As the embers of the bonfire waned, we lay on our backs, our fingers tracing constellations in the sky.

This moment felt straight out of a movie, and I’ve never had another moment like it. I wonder if I will ever experience something like it again, and I know that I will because to be a person is to have these kinds of moments. This is what we live for as humans: the moments that will never fade from memory and ease our pain. It’s those moments that make us feel most alive and content, when all care slips away. 

Time lost its grip on us, as curfew passed unacknowledged. Tranquility enveloped us, joy emanated from every shared story, smile, and laugh. The rhythm of the ocean provided the soundtrack to our fleeting adventure, a constant reminder that this moment, like the gentle waves, was fleeting yet everlasting in its impact. With a final glance at the ocean, we left the shore, our footprints becoming part of the ever-shifting sands, a silent testament to the magic that unfolded when the sun dipped low, and the canvas of the sky painted itself in hues of orange and pink. 

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