Green is my Favorite Color | Teen Ink

Green is my Favorite Color

June 7, 2024
By 5arn BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5arn BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

RING! RING! RING! I wake up to the sound of my alarm on the final day of junior year. I get out of bed and walk to my window to find the cool spring breeze lightly moving my curtains back and forth. I look out to see a sea of green. Trees, grass, and flora decorate my street. This is what happiness looks like, I think to myself.

“Are you awake?” my mom calls into my room.


She opens my door with a smile. “Happy last day!” 

When it’s time to leave, I say goodbye to my family as I leave for school one final time before a summer of adventure. I walk out the door to find those same trees and greenery from the morning. Only now, there is a family of deer enjoying it as well. I feel fulfilled by the happiness that the color green can bring to everyone lucky enough to encounter it. 

On my drive to school I see much more greenery. Every tree, bush, and field reminds me of the fact that our town is coming back to life. No more dead trees with bare branches, or brown grass from the months of freezing temperatures. Everything is alive again, including me. The abundance of green outside reminds me of that.

Green is a symbol of spring. Green is happiness. Green tells a story. It signifies the season when flowers bloom, babies are born, and school is coming to an end. When you know that just around the corner is a season of excitement, enjoyment, and relaxation. Throughout the day I could not stop thinking about the greenery outside and what it meant for my summer. It meant that I would have a summer of happiness. And that when I look outside on those bad days, the lively green colors will remind me of what there is to look forward to.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for composition class.

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