She felt loved | Teen Ink

She felt loved

October 26, 2010
By Anonymous

She was a young little girl, almost nine, her birthday a few days away. She didn’t want her mommy to leave her even if it was only for a week or so. It wasn’t fair, it was her birthday…why couldn’t mommy stay with her? Mommy said she wanted to do something extra special for her this year because she wasn’t gonna be at home. All the way across the world….mommy was gonna be across a big blue ocean lots of miles away. The little girl wanted to do something extra special too, she wanted to go to Build-a-Bear and make her very own teddy bear.
So they did, they drove all the way into the big city and found it in the mall. She picked the very softest, shiny golden brown bear that sat up all by itself. They stuffed it just right with the weird big machine. The girl and her Mommy found the cutest clothes and even got the bear shoes and a purse, and then last but not least they named her Krissy. Walking out of the store the little girls smile was brighter then the sun she clung to her mom who whispered in her ear,
“Whenever you feel alone, when I am not there I want you to hug this bear and it will be like hugging me. Even if I am far away, you will never be without me.” Without knowing how much it would help her she hugged the bear tight to her chest as they drove home.
She was a young little girl, nine years old hugging a bear with all her heart and soul. Her birthday had been good so far but it just wasn’t the same, she missed her mommy on this special day. But as she hugged her Krissy she remembered her mom wasn’t here but she could always hug her no matter where. The day was one to never forget…and she still remembers. She hugged that bear and she felt loved.
She was a young girl just starting fourth grade they made her move. She moved far away from all her friends and family….had to start over and make new friends. It was a new school, a weird teacher and different neighbors. From city to country it was a major change for such a little girl. A new house, a new room, a new bed she kept everything clean and folded her blankets almost every day, putting her teddy on top of her favorite one. Lost and insecure she missed her old friends, she cried in her new room and then she saw her teddy. She hugged her with all her might, didn’t want to let go. She hugged that bear and she felt loved.
She was a young girl almost eleven she found herself lost again, starting another new school forced to make even more friends. It doesn’t seem fair; she only stayed at the last one for one year. It was another new school, harder and stricter with a dress code and math classes that hurt her head. She cried herself to sleep, she's didn’t want to start over she didn’t want to have to practically move again. She didn’t make her bed too often now sometimes forgetting her bear. But not today, today she held on to her Krissy like she held on to life. She thought she was mad at her mom, for making her start over but she hugged that bear and she realized her mom wanted best. She hugged that bear and she felt loved.
She was a young girl almost 14 she felt hated to no end. Felt like there was not a freaking thing she could do right. She was mad at the stupid world and only wanted everyone to leave her alone. She hated being judged for someone she wasn’t she hated this stupid place. Take me home she cried…this isn’t where I belong. She was broken hearted by a stupid boy who she couldn’t get over; she thought she meant more to him but found out that that was just not the case. Her room a teenage disaster clothes all spread on the floor, sheets and pillows shoved under her bed her teddy forgotten and lost inside the mess. She cried in her pillow alone in her room, and then she stopped and ripped the room apart until she found her. She hugged her Krissy and knew she was loved.

The author's comments:
This is a true story of how a teddy bear has made a huge difference in my life:) love ya mom!!!!

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This article has 5 comments.

on Nov. 5 2010 at 9:57 pm
kmarie14 PLATINUM, Hyrum, Utah
22 articles 5 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is either an adventure...or nothing" -Helen Keller


on Nov. 3 2010 at 9:23 am
Cameandgonesmarty ELITE, North Vancouver, Other
225 articles 4 photos 239 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One day, your life will flash before your eyes; make sure it's worth watching."





on Nov. 3 2010 at 12:33 am
kmarie14 PLATINUM, Hyrum, Utah
22 articles 5 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is either an adventure...or nothing" -Helen Keller

whoa....dont know why this shows up as anonyms....uh its my story by the way guys....just so you sorry. maybe it only shows up like that for me idk but ya ha ha i claim this

on Nov. 3 2010 at 12:32 am
kmarie14 PLATINUM, Hyrum, Utah
22 articles 5 photos 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is either an adventure...or nothing" -Helen Keller

ha ha thanks i guess ?? ha ha (:

on Nov. 3 2010 at 12:26 am
Cameandgonesmarty ELITE, North Vancouver, Other
225 articles 4 photos 239 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One day, your life will flash before your eyes; make sure it's worth watching."