three years | Teen Ink

three years

November 18, 2011
By Anonymous

In 2007, the big flood hit many people my dad was part of many of those people. My dad step mom and little brother had to stay at our church. This was not bad just really difficult I did not mind staying there every other week. However, one thing that really bothers me is that my dad though that it would be OK to hit me with a belt. Just because he could find me.
After we moved out of the church, we rented a house and I had my own room my little brother had his own room but that did not stop him from waking me up every morning. I did not really mind it because he was the only thing holding me together when I was living with my dad every other week. It did not matter if I was just giving a little attitude or being a normal kid. I would still be hit with a belt or smacked. Some kids say they have a horrible life because their grounded or they got there phone taken away.
You can tell me that your life is miserable when you get beat with a belt or cussed out at leased once a week. that you not me try getting hit with a belt every day or getting cussed at three times a week I didn't tell my mom for three years that I was getting hit with a belt. Then it got hard when I had to tell her that my step mom threw me up against a wall and chocked me. My mom was so sad and pissed off that she did not know that this was going on. She told me ""I should have known better,'' I thought to myself how could you have known better and I asked her and she told me my dad was hitting her when she was with him.

I put a restraining order against him. Nevertheless, that did not help because the judge said that I had to live with him. To this day, I do not really understand why I had to go back and live with him. Although I got what I wanted half way, I am still disappointed in what my father and step mother decided to do.

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