3 levels of love | Teen Ink

3 levels of love

November 6, 2012
By aim4ace BRONZE, SCHAUMBURG, Illinois
aim4ace BRONZE, SCHAUMBURG, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is Love? When you ask that question to first graders, they might say “uhmm…. I don’t know! “. Now ask that question to a teenager, “You know, it’s when two people like each other a lot and they go out”. Ask this same question to Shakespeare, he might say “Love defiantly involves death by committing suicide! “. Love can be so many different things to so many different people, but when you add this four letter word called “True” in front of “Love” that is when you’re in another universe. There are people in this world who don’t believe in true love, they believe in something called “Infatuation”. I call these people realists. People like me who believe in true love are called Idealists. Now if you believe that infatuation is a definition of a fool, then I would rather stay a fool for the rest of my life!

Let me tell you something about this so called true love. I believe that there are three levels when comes to a guy liking a girl. First level is when a guy thinks a girl is quite attractive, also known as “Hot”. The second level is when you think a girl is “cute” and you want to get to know her more. You might even want to go out with her! The third stage is when you get into this Romeo and Juliet stuff. Now this stage is the most powerful out of all the other stages. It is very rare and unique, but when it happens, it is a feeling that even cupid cannot describe. When you see that special girl it feels like an eternity, yet it is only a second. Your heart starts pounding, you see angles in the background, and you start hearing famous love songs. A ray of white light hits her face. After that day you want to see her again, hoping that your road crosses with hers.
Before we go any further, you have to realize that this true love thing can go either way. If your “Love” succeeds you are a new person. You start seeing things in a new perspective. You will always have a smile on your face no matter what life throws at you. Like I said before it can go either way, if your “Love” fails, you will also be a new person but in a negative way. You become sad and depressed. You start to listen to heart-break songs. If you are like me, you start to drink apple juice thinking that it is alcohol, and finally you start reading too much Shakespeare love tragedies!

Now you’re probably wondering, can this true love stuff really happen to me? Well I believe that it can happen to anyone, all they have to do is keep a open heart and have a smile on their face and maybe one day it just might happen to you like it happened to this six-teen year old kid. In reality this whole thing just might be “Infatuation”, but I am still going to call this true love! Hopefully this so called true love or infatuation happens to you….

The author's comments:
Love experience of a young idealist!

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