It could Happen To Anyone | Teen Ink

It could Happen To Anyone

November 10, 2012
By Anonymous

It could happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. It leaves scars that will never heal, and pain that will never go away. It t has become one of the most rapidly increasing violent crimes through out the last ten years. Sometimes you know the person who did it to you, sometimes not. It’s one of the few crimes that can cause the victim to become the bad guy. Some people keep silent, and it eats at them until there’s nothing left. It can happen to young children, who sometimes block out the trauma, and when they finally remember, but are afraid to speak up. They live in constant fear. Then, if they have the courage to speak up and tell someone, they run the risk of being blamed by family and friends. Even family can turn their backs and take sides with the offender instead. Causing the victims to seep deeper into despair. Friends could not believe them, or use it as emotional black mail. Sexual abuse happens to people every single day who’s it going to be next?

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