True Love Never Dies | Teen Ink

True Love Never Dies

November 1, 2012
By Anonymous

Ever had that one special girl who has always been there for you, no matter what the situation is? The one who always tries to make your day when your day has been horrible? The one who was always nice to you and always joked with you? Then one day, it all ends in the wrong way…
We met one Neighbor Day, 3 years ago. I didn’t think of anything at the time because I asked her brother first to ask his sister to be in a relationship with me, so he asked and she said yes. I was just joking around at first, but then I went along with it. I walked up to her that first night and shared a few laughs with her, along with telling her a few funny stories as well. She found me cute, even though she was a year older than me. I believe that first night of being together was one of the best days of my life. Wait…It was the best day of my life.
Right off the bat her dad didn’t like me, but oh well, parents can’t control a relationship. That’s not their role. Even though her dad had gone to my mother’s house almost every day, I didn’t get to actually hang out with my new girlfriend until about a year later. Of course me and her would hold hands on the bus and keep my arm around her neck every day though. I loved seeing her in the mornings. Watching those beautiful eyes looking back into mine as that soft skin grabs my hand everyday as she says the magical words that send my heart on a rush, “I love you.” I always said it back, every time.
Then about a year of dating, a rumor was going around that I was saying to all my friends that I had said to them that she was easy. I never said a thing like that to a single soul, why would I? She was the one I loved and loved more than any other girlfriend I ever had. Word got back to her brothers and her brothers had told their mother about it. I wasn’t able to see Holly for a while. I found out who started it though and took care of that problem.
About this time I had truly fallen in love with her. I had begun to write poetry about her, sing my own songs I made up about her, and even wrote my feelings down on paper for her to read since I was never able to tell her how I truly felt to her face because I knew I wasn’t able to say what I needed to say, due to fear of judgment. She loved every word I wrote and she began as well to write letters to me letting me know what is on her mind and how she felt. (To this day I still have every letter she had ever written). The letters were so sweet, but the sour ones did sting, but not for long.
Then we began to “fool around” if you know what I mean. We got addicted to it. Even though we waited a year and a half to do it, we loved it. She didn’t like the feeling of the wrapper so she always had me do it without it. We used to do it once every day. After 3 months, she got a surprise. She was pregnant. I wasn’t prepared for it at all. I was so scared and nervous that I was shaking in fear.
But then the worst of the pregnancy happened. My ex-best friend didn’t know she was pregnant, and messing around with her, he swings his arm around at full force and where does he hit her, in the stomach. She had to leave school that day to go to the hospital to find out the worst had happened, he had forced her to lose it. I cried and cried till I couldn’t anymore. My life was going into so many different directions that I had been lost within my own thoughts.
After a while had passed, though, we had let it slip our mind, even though, I still think about it when I am all alone. We went on with our natural everyday life. We continued to cuddle and do our business, going on dates together, going to the movies, the average dates. The time we spent together was wonderful. Then one day the worst had come along that nobody was prepared for.
One day it was me and her sitting in the living room of my house, when suddenly I got thirsty. I looked into the fridge and checked if we had anything to drink, but we didn’t have anything at all. I started to complain slightly until she says that I don’t need to worry that she will go to the store and get us some sodas. I handed her the car keys and she had headed out the door. The worst comes next…
She had stopped to be getting gas at the store before she headed uptown. So then she pulled out of the driveway and left to go down the road, but when she did the car in front of her had slammed on their brakes suddenly, forcing her head and neck to rush forward, making the brain-stem to snap into 2 pieces. She was gone, dead. The police show up at my door shortly after the wreck. The words were spoken clearly, and to this day I still remember those words that he had said to me that fateful day that changed my life forever. “We need you to come with me. There has been an accident over by Boom-land that I believe you will want to see.” My heart dropped to the gates of hell. I knew something was wrong. I knew it had to do with Holly. I busted into tears as soon as those words had been said, even worse when I got into the squad-car.
We drove up to the crash and as soon as I saw the silver color of the car, my eyes went red with nothing but tears that rolled down my cheek and drenched my shirt. We park beside the car. As soon as I got out, I slowly walked over to the driver-side door and saw her there. The airbag didn’t even pop. The only thing that happened was she jerked so fast that the brainstem snapped. No bones were broke. It only snapped. The car’s front end was smashed inward and the car was sitting in the middle of the road. No blood anywhere within the car or on her. I was in denial. I quickly grabbed her hand through the window and started to holler her name at the top of my lungs, but it was no use. Dead. The police had pulled me back after I hollered her name twice and I said it again as he dragged me backwards as tears continued to drench my face. After I backed up, I dropped to my knees and put my fists into my eyes as I continued to hold my head downward in the middle of that road. The police told me that I needed to head on home. I left.
She was gone. I blamed myself, for if I wasn’t complaining she would still be here, still within my arms to this day. And on the day of the funeral everyone wanted to support me. Please, if only they knew. I walked up to the casket and looked at the motionless body that lay ahead of me. Another tear rolled down my cheek, but to my surprise, it was only a single tear that tasted like straight saltwater. I bent over the casket and gave her a soft kiss on the lips and then another on her forehead. As I slowly backed away, I see the pasture walk up to me. He asked if I would like to say a few words. Therefore I agreed. That speech is the story that I am having you read now. It truly was the worst day that has ever happened. Even though she is gone, I do not want another girlfriend, I want my her back, because true love never dies.

The author's comments:
Just to show that true love will never truly end.

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This article has 4 comments.

on Dec. 5 2012 at 7:57 pm
Sento_Alucard BRONZE, Benton, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never pop the unknownl thought bubble for the surprise shall be taken away." -Dakota Harper

thanks guys glad you like it :)

Tyler Sawyer said...
on Nov. 29 2012 at 10:10 pm
Tyler Sawyer, South Mills, North Carolina
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Shes right. Im reading your comment right now baby. You are the love of my life! I love you so much!

Tyler S. said...
on Nov. 29 2012 at 9:53 pm
Shes right. Im reading your comment right now baby. I love you so much! You are the love of my life!

on Nov. 29 2012 at 8:26 pm
Melissa Sawyer BRONZE, South Mills, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments
Your story moved me to tears. I have met the love of my life and I know that I would not be satisfied with anyone else. My world would stop if something happened to him. I pray that you will find happiness once again, but I know she will always hold a special place in your heart.