Am I Enough? | Teen Ink

Am I Enough?

December 14, 2012
By Anonymous

A girl age of eighteen ended up meeting a guy who is twenty-one. They started talking more and more, and ended up dating. They have been dating for three months, and within those three months, she has delt with a ton of things.
Her and her boyfriend always fight, and he blames her for everything. All she can do is cry and think that she is the one to blame for everything. She begins to believe that she is always wrong more and more, with each thing she does wrong in his eyes. He calls her names, and always cuts her down. She tries to fight back, but she knows it will lead to them breaking up. At night time, she overthinks everything, "am i too jealous?", "do i deserve this?", "am i just mean and controllable?". She thinks these things over and over again in her head. When her and her boyfriend fight, they fight over the littlest things. Over what she says, if he takes it the wrong way, they fight over him talking to girls, or him going to the bar and drinking without her, him not wanting to talk to her for a day, or him not being able to hang out with girls or hang out with his guy friends all the time, such as going to the bar all the time with them. She has trust in him, but he thinks she doesn't. All she can do is just try to prove him wrong. He thinks that they talk to much, and hang out too much. He works a lot, so she likes to spend as much time with him as possible. He think it's okay to do things that most single guys would do, such as go the bar alone, without his guy friends, and talk to girls non-stop. She doesn't know what to do, and she feels trapped as though she has nobody to turn to. Her mom thinks she is in an emotionally abusive relationship, and all the mom can do is try to tell her daugther that she deserves better. Her daughter cries every night and tries to do everything she can to make her boyfriend happy, and in the end the daughter ends up unhappy and heartbroken. What is she doing wrong? Or is it him? I guess we will never know.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece, because this is my relationship with my boyfriend.

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