First Love, True Love, Lost Love | Teen Ink

First Love, True Love, Lost Love

December 15, 2012
By mhafner19 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
mhafner19 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The world was a magnificent place filled with bliss, jubilation, and optimism. A heart break did not exist, loneliness did not exist, and apprehension did not exist. I was a naïve, innocent girl wound up in a perfect world. Life had one purpose; enjoy every moment like there is no tomorrow. Love found me two years ago and never left my heart. It filled the void, and fulfilled the meaning of life.

He walked into my life, and made me a believer of love at first sight. As soon as I saw him, I built up the courage to talk to him. He was so easy to get along with, and made me feel like we were the only people in the world. Nobody could ever make me laugh the way he did, or make me smile so bright I could light up the earth. He immediately became my first love. I was blessed, I was secure, I was complete. Love is a wild fire; it continues to grow and brightens the world. After dating for a couple months we exchanged kind words, lovable memories, and many stories. Neither of us ever wanted to say goodbye. We both knew this was our destiny; we were going to spend the rest of our days together. Being with my love was all I ever asked for, it did not matter how we spent our time together, as long as I could share my exhilaration with him. When I found love I was passionate, and wanted to spend every waking moment expressing my gratitude. I was flooded with euphoria that over powered any bit of sorrow, boredom, and stress. Finding someone special to love is indescribable. Nothing can compare to the beauty of a first love, or the sacrifices I made for love, or the feeling I received from being loved. I saw him, and I knew that I wanted to be his girl forever. At first I was infatuated because everything in my life was just right, I never had a dull moment, and I felt so comforted by his company.

Love is inspiring, and breathtaking, and stunning. It takes a hold of my life and blossoms into an everlasting companion. My heart dances with joy after realizing what I share is going to affect my life, my lover, and our future. He was my boyfriend, he was my best friend, and he was my true love. I told him all my secrets, all my dreams, all my feelings. And I told him “I love you.” I knew it was true love when I would smile just thinking about him, how every word he spoke was like a sweet song with a gentle melody, and I could laugh, be inspired, and be so carefree when I was with him. We shared the same fantasies, goals, and dreams. He gave me a reason to try my best to reach phenomenal heights. Everyone knew we were in love by the way we looked at each other, and how much time we shared. Falling in love is the greatest thing I’ve accomplished. I did not find love, love found me. It was hard for me to believe life without him, I would not be able to wrap my mind around the thought of losing him. If I lost him, I would lose myself, because he had every drop of happiness, and compassion that I possessed. I remember the moment I fell in love. My heart could not breathe, my body tingled, and my soul escaped to find his love.

Throughout our relationship our love became overwhelming. Fights, arguments, ended calls, ignored messages, different opinions – all these red flags led to lost love. It was hard to focus on anything besides him. We suffocated each other with words and time, then I started to get upset about the little things he said, and it would always escalate into an argument. Our relationship began to revolve around fighting. I got mad at him. He got mad at me. We always promised each other that we would fight through thick and thin to stay together, to give every ounce of love to each other, and never let our love die. Promises were broken. I could never make plans with him because he would bail out, I could never sleep peacefully because we were always fighting, and I could never forgive him. The breakup was gradual. It did not happen overnight, it took months, but we both knew it was going to end. The long string of disputes eventually tore us apart. We mutually ended the relationship because neither of us had the same affection as we did when we first fell in love.

The pain would not go away. My friends and my family were there for support, but it seemed like nothing helped ease my pain. Time was my cure. Initially I felt so alone and insecure, but I persevered and I proved to myself that I am a strong, independent woman who did not need somebody to make me happy. I overcame all the obstacles in front of me, and became myself again. I will always cherish my first love, and learn from my relationship, but I know that this was not the end. Love happens in so many ways with so many different people.

The author's comments:
Everybody falls in love, and it changes our lives forever. This is my story, and how I transformed.

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