The Glowing Mahal | Teen Ink

The Glowing Mahal

January 6, 2013
By amrit.kaur BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
amrit.kaur BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Mom are we there yet?” My brother screamed in my ear.

“OMG I could not wait until I was of the car.” I thought to myself

It was a really hot sunny day it was about 105 degrees outside. The Taj Mahal is in India, in India it’s always about 100 degrees in the summer.

When I stepped outside from the cool air conditioning car, and I started sweating that minute. I thought my legs were about fall off from the six hour car ride from the Dehli airport to the Taj Mahal. After my mom, dad, two brothers, the driver, and myself got out of the car we started walking to the big line that had been forming.

“MOM! You’re kidding right? There is no way i’m going to stand in this huge line,” yelled my brother.

“Yes honey it’s only going to be for a few minutes,” said my mom with hesitation.

It turned out we were waiting in line for more than one hour. When we finally made it to the front of the line there was another line, just to get a tour guide.

“Sir, its going to be 3,000 rupees,” said the guy who was behind the glass counter.

After my dad gave the creepy looking guy the money, we got in line to get our tour guide for the day. While my parents, driver, and my brothers stayed line I ran to the bathroom and took of my capris and put some shorts on. I could see wet globs on my capris from how hot it was outside. By the time I got outside we were all ready to go. We had our tour guide right by my dad. The tourists guide had started out by saying the whole history of the Taj Mahal. The story of the Mahal was so interesting and fun to hear.

When the tourist guide was done talking. We had to climb about 100 steps to walk into the Taj Mahal.

“Mom, it can’t get better than this, thanks for bringing us,” said my brother with sarcasm.

“Stop it I have had enough with you. Just shut up and lets enjoy this time we have with each other,” said my dad with passion.
My brother never likes anything family planned. All he cared about was missing all of his basketball season.
The Taj Mahal is a very beautiful and peaceful place. It was designed for princess who could not marry the prince because her dad would not let her marry him. Her dad was strict, mean, and cruel. The prince took matters in his own hand and made her a beautiful gift that she could keep after he died, so he got 20,000 people to work on the Mahal. After the Mahal was built which took over ten years, the prince took his a blade and cut off the designers hand so he would not make a replica. I’ve also heard that they have buried the prince and the princesses body under the Mahal.
When we walked in we saw a river that was stretched out to the end of the Majal. On sides of the river there were beautiful trees and flowers that were trimmed to perfection. The trees were turning brown like how grass turns in the summer. The trees looked burnt. I grabbed one of the flowers, it just crumpled up in my hands it looked like the had not been watered in a while. We took about 100 pictures of the all white Mahal from the outside, the tourist guide had told us that we could not take any pictures inside of the Majal because it was considered disrespectful. When we got done with the pictures we went outside to get our sleeping bags. The guide had told us that we were lucky to come here on a full moon, we could see the Majal glow because the Mahal was made of really expensive marble.
After we got done getting all our stuff, I looked to my side and saw that my brother was not there.
“Pinder, Pinder, Pinder where are you?” we all said.
“PINDER WHERE ARE YOU,” my mom shouted on top of her lungs.
I was starting to see my mom tear up, I can never see my mom cry and I could not
help it so I started tearing up.

I wiped my tears and set my mom down on the bench so she would calm down. Me and my brothers and my dad searched everywhere for him, but we could not spot him anywhere.

“Guys I’m right here I had to run to the bathroom. Why are you guys like freaking out?” Said my brother.

“You scared the crap out of us,” my mom said with a sigh of relief.

When we were all together, we started walking to the grass and started to set up our tents. It was about 10:00pm when we were all done. It was starting to get dark outside. Most of the time we looked at the stars or told jokes and laughed really loud. When it finally turned midnight we all walked outside and saw the Majal glowing. The Taj Majal glowed like a diamond. After a few hours we all fell asleep.
“Wake up, we have to hit the road,” said my dad.

I didn’t want to leave the beautiful place, but I knew I had to get up. We got all our stuff together and started walking out.

Then I turned and saw the Majal for one last time, and smiled and just said to myself
“Why couldn’t last night last forever.” I said to myself.

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