Fire-wave | Teen Ink


January 6, 2013
By Jakey-pooh BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Jakey-pooh BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I took one step into my kitchen and I could smell the dreadful smoke. I could barely see through the thick, black smoke. I had no idea what was going on. The high pitched fire alarms were whaling, the phone was ringing, and my siblings were fighting.
I immediately grabbed the phone up.
“Hello this is debrah from ADT we have been notified that your fire alarms have been set off.”
“Ya we just burnt some popcorn everythings alright.”
“Great have a nice day,” she quietly said as I slammed the phone down.
I grabbed the fire extinguisher and tried my best to put the fire out. It wasn't working very well and I wondered why the fire wasn’t going out as the fire extinguisher ran out. I threw it on the ground, and said, “ Piece of crap,” as i went to investigate. I stood there puzzled looking at it. The microwave was still spinning and the popcorn bag was on fire inside it. I grabbed the bag not even acknowledging that it would be hot and opened our slider door and threw it out. I took a deep breath and wiped a sweat off my face. I just put out the fire that could have burned our house down, but it’s only my luck that the grass caught on fire. It was mid-summer and it hadn’t rained in days. So the fire was spreading really quick. I went and got my hoes on the side of the house and put out the fire then immediately ran inside forgetting to shut off the hoes. I grabbed all the fans I could find and put them in the kitchen, but i still couldn't stand the smell so I grabbed an old t-shirt and tied it around my mouth and nose like i was a dentist. I put some oven gloves on, unpluged my microwave, and threw it out the door. As it crashed to the ground I thought,
“Oops, it was probably already broken.” I walked inside and saw my brother and sister on the floor fighting.
“Oh well he deserves it,” I thought as I walked out the door to go shut of the hoes that was still running. A pool of muddy water was around my popcorn and microwave.
My parents were on vacation so we called my grandma and she came right away. Well she lives about fifteen minutes away and she's a grandma, so she got there in twenty minutes. By the time she got there my brother and sister were done fighting. As soon as she got there she asked,
“Is everybody alright!!!!” I looked over at my poudy brother and my mad sister and sied.
“I guess thats what you could say.”
A few days later my parents came home. My other sister (who wasn’t home when it happened) drove us to the airport to meet them. Right when they got of the plane they looked at us and said,
“ You didn't burned down the house, did you.”
“No why would you say that” I said with a chuckle. After they grabbed their bags we headed toward the car. As we got close to my neighborhood I was surprised they didn't yell at us . Maybe they didn’t know yet.

That was very nice. I said was, the second they walked in the house they knew something had happened.
“What the **** happened.” It didn’t take my brother one second to reply,
“Jake blew up our microwave” My dad gave me a dirty look and went to go look at the kitchen and the microwave outside in the garbage can.
“My summer is ruined,” I thought as my dad went into his den and locked the door.

He came out and yelled at my brother, and grounded him for the rest the summer. He really didn't care that he set the microwave on fire, He was pissed tho because my brother lied and blamed it on me!

I had the best summer and made fun of my brother as I walked out of my house to go to my friends pool party to finish out the summer. It wasn’t so clever because when I got home he just beat me up. Then in a month he got ungrounded. But I didn’t care because when I woke up to eat breakfast before of school I could smell the smoke and he could too. I know he could.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 8 2013 at 10:48 am
johnell judkins, Newport News, Virginia
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
my family went trough a fire we lost materialistic things but not our good spirits