My near experience with death | Teen Ink

My near experience with death

May 3, 2013
By Anonymous

Car accidents. Car accidents happen every single day. People can easily get injured or sometimes die during a car accident. As a child, I saw news and articles about car accidents and how they were dangerous, but it never occurred to me that I was going to experience it myself. I never thought I was going to be in a car accident especially in my car, but life gave me a lesson that I’m never going to forget. Although I was little at that time, I learned a real live lesson that has changed my life forever and has given me a second chance to live.
The furniture store was about to close, and we needed to get there as fast as we could. It was a Sunday afternoon and I was really excited to buy my drawer for my room. Since the furniture room was closing early my dad decided to drive faster than usual. I decided to go pick up my drawer because I didn’t really want to stay home, especially because I was mad at my mom because she didn’t buy me the shoes that I always wanted. That same day, I decided to not talk to her the rest of the day, and ignored her even when she was talking to me. Of course I was little back then, only 8 years old, but at that time I was a very selfish and bossy little girl and I wanted those shoes no matter what, not caring if I hurt my mom’s feelings.
45 miles per hour turned into 70 miles per hour. The road was strangely empty, with no cars on either sides, but the weather was beautiful and a windy ride didn’t seem dangerous to me. I was really excited to buy my drawer that I didn’t notice that my dad was driving over limit. The music of the radio was really catchy and me and my dad were dancing and singing wildly without realizing what was going to happen next. All of a sudden the world started to spin and twist all over. The truck’s loud screeches and spins made my world dizzy and confusing. I didn’t know what was happening. A few seconds ago I was happy, excited, and wild and now I was confused, shocked, and scared. A thousand emotions came piling on me, I felt confused and alone for the first time in my life. In that same instant, I knew nothing was going to be the same again. The spinning and turning stopped minutes later. It took me a while before I finally realized that we were upside down. The truck turned upside down in a matter of seconds. Smoke and a screeching sound was all I could see and hear. Luckily I was wearing a seat belt. When my vision was clear I looked at my surroundings. The truck’s windows were broken and I could see my dad from the interior rear view mirror. He was coughing the smoke and looked pale. For a second, panic started to invade me that I was going to lose my dad at such an early age, but then his terrified voice eventually awoke me from my fears. I was scared, but happy at the same time because my dad didn’t die, usually in the news all the victims died and I didn’t want my dad to be one of those victims.
The ambulances and policies came rushing to help us a few minutes later. They took my dad to the hospital and examined me for any injuries. To my impression, I wasn’t even hurt, not even a small cut. From that instance, I knew that God saved me and gave me another chance to live. The officer said that I was one lucky girl because not everybody survived an accident like I did, especially on the conditions the truck was in.
The accident that day changed my life completely. I never thought I was going to learn a lesson the hard way. The accident made me mediate and think about how life is just not a game or fantasy, and it can end in a matter of seconds. The accident made me appreciate my family and friends, and especially God. Not only did the accident gave me a scare but it gave it also gave a scare to all my family, especially my mom. From that day on, I was a different person who started to appreciate even the simplest things because I learned my lesson. My experience also made me reflect that you should live your life well, without any resentments and bitterness for a simple thing like a shoe, especially to your loved ones, because you never know when your time to depart from this world is.

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