Finding Myself | Teen Ink

Finding Myself

May 9, 2013
By atroppman BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
atroppman BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Middle school can be a very challenging time in a teenager’s life. The friends from kindergarten drift away and loneliness creeps in. Bad decisions are made that can’t be fixed even if someone tries their hardest. Hormones rage and teens feel misunderstood. This is how I felt when I moved out of my dad’s house.

It was spring when I made the call in my counselor’s office. My dad didn’t understand why I was moving to my mom’s permanently. One could say I really left because I didn’t want to do chores and could do whatever I wanted over at my mom’s, and one would be correct. Either way, I still felt like a misunderstood teenager who had made a bad decision that could not be fixed.

After two long years of daily battles at my mother’s about the stupidest things, I was done. She had been putting her “significant other” ahead of me, and I felt no longer truly loved there. That’s when I decided that my dad would always love me no matter what and would take me back into his house. The loneliness I felt when I was in middle school no longer had power over me. I’ve been happy since last year in March when I started seeing my dad again. In July of 2012 I decided to live perminantly at his house. The decisions I made in middle school have shaped who I am. Even though they affected me greatly, I don’t regret any of my decisions because without them I wouldn’t be where I am today. Today I am happy and hope to be forever.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece so that my heart can heal from all the pain that has come from my life.

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