This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

June 17, 2013
By mzuck13 BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
mzuck13 BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The significance of this inspirational advice is to keep your dreams alive and never stop trying to accomplish them. Walt Disney said this with the intentions of motivating people to never stop dreaming. Walt Disney was all about doing what he believed and never stopping improvement and he wanted others to be like this as well. Why do you think Walt Disney was so successful in his lifetime? He followed his dreams and was led down many paths and was always curious enough to learn new things and was able to excel in all of them through hard work and dedication.
The message of this excerpt applies to everyday life very well. If you don’t follow your dreams, there will always be one part of you that regrets the decision you made not to. You need to let curiosity lead you so that you can discover new aspects of life, either for better or for worse. No matter what you want, you must try new things in order to decide whether you like it or not because in the end, at least you tried.
At the beginning of the year, I was a ghastly writer who probably wrote at a sixth grade level. Then I began to improve as the year went on, I worked hard on enriching my vocabulary and increasing the amount of figurative language I incorporate in my writing. I improved significantly and have evidently become a more confident writer. Now, I write at an eighth-grade level, but I know I can vastly improve my skill set and write on a higher pedestal than ever before. I know that if I can enhance my writing even more in high school, I will be much more successful. The quote at the top of my page is a motto that I have unknowingly followed all year in my writing. I wanted to be a better writer coming into eighth grade, and I believe I have achieved that goal by being curious and opening new doors. Without the dream of becoming a better writer, I would never have been able to improve my writing.

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