the wind chime | Teen Ink

the wind chime

June 24, 2013
By esther_yoon BRONZE, Seoul, Other
esther_yoon BRONZE, Seoul, Other
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

It all starts with a gentle pull. The first, pure, clear note rings in the air. A cascade of notes ringing in harmony immediately follows. To some, the sound is a little fairy child. She dances through the air on the waves of the wind and gently alights on one ear. The fairy child giggles as she glides deeper and deeper, her silvery, tinkling laugh brightening wherever she goes. Her delicate feet are light as a feather as she waltzes in perfect rhythm to her bubbly laugh and song. While she sings, an enchantment falls over the air. The world seems to catch its breath as this ethereal creature casts her magic on all those who stand still in wonder. To others, the song of the wind chime is a little bird. Its light, chirpy musical playfulness warms a special part in the heart. The little bird sings its soft, beautiful song as it loops and twirls in the air. However, this joy cannot last forever. Much too soon, the fairy child completes her journey and song. With a last, gentle whisper, she unfurls and flutters her wings, the last notes trickling away. Together, the little bird and the fairy child return to the wind chime. A fine mist settles in the air as the enchantment wears off. Only a shadow of the magic remains in the memories of those it touched. As the last wisps fade away with the wind, all that remains is a lonely little bird and a fairy child locked away in the wind chime. They are still patiently waiting, hoping for the next person to set them free once again.

The author's comments:
Written about a beautiful wind chime one of my old teachers had.

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