Bouncing Back Up | Teen Ink

Bouncing Back Up

September 2, 2013
By Anime21 BRONZE, CUMMING, Georgia
Anime21 BRONZE, CUMMING, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." -Josephine Billings

Silently sobbing, soft hiccups as not to awake the others. Crying because of the inability to be good enough to “them.” The river of tears became a small stream until exhaustion takes over and lulls me to sleep.

I wake up groggy, feeling like a turtle turned up onto its shell, struggling to get up right. The day goes by in flash but I'm eager, eager for 5:30 to strike. While waiting I power up my computer and insert my ear buds. Once my computer awoke from its slumber I clicked the media player and blasted my music, blowing away all the terrible remarks and criticisms “they” told me. I relax for a while, pop-rock, rock and metal songs getting me pumped for tonight.

“Ericka! Ya vamanos!” my mom yells, barely piercing the music barrier. I pluck the ear buds out and shut off my computer. “Ya voy!” I reply back. I smile while putting my marching shoes on. I gather my flute and music and say a brief good-bye to my dad and brother. As I close the door I feel the rush of a million emotions, giddy, nervous, happy and many more. My smile grows bigger ready for this night to get started. “Woo-Hoo!” I shout.

Hamburgers, hot dogs, funnel cakes and all sorts of goodies are being cooked and served to the football fans. I inhale deeply and run towards the band room. Chattering goes on, people running in and out, 'du-duda-duda' comes from the drummers playing in the ensemble room. “This is my real home” I think. My friends are in a circle talking about who knows what, freshman are acting screaming and acting immature, the drum majors are planning and keeping time of the time. I smile once again and barrel into the circle of my friends. Radiant, happy, excited, all of the above is what I am when I'm in band. I sigh content that I can leave everything behind and not worry about getting yelled at nor get criticized for every little thing I do.

I look around my group of friends. I smile up at the guy I like and he briefly smiles back, his sky blue eyes on me, I glomp onto my best friend Amber and then go exploring with her to wherever. Whether it be the practice field where we sit and feel the prickly grass on our legs and arms or go exploring to find someone else or simply share a meal because we're both starved from just staying after school, either way we have a fun time with each other and with our other friends.

“BAND TEN HUT!” shouts Paul our drum major. We all stand in attention awaiting our orders like soldiers. “Everyone dressed in full uniform with instruments in 15 minutes!” Paul yells. We all nod and rush like mad trying to get ready. Once everyone files out with everything they need including a jacket because we all know the mistake of not bringing one. The fresh air rustles my hair and causes me to get goose bumps. I shiver knowing that the harsh cold is coming soon.


After finishing the Star spangled banner we head up to the stands. We stand and start chattering but carefully waiting for our next command. After Lynn gets on the stand so we can all see her we play a bit of stands music, before I know it's half-time and it's time to show everybody our new show for 2013, Indivisible. We all take our positions ready to start, ready for the drum majors to start this. “ON THE FIELD WITH THEIR NEW SHOW FOR 2013! FLASH OF CRIMSION PRESNTS INDIVIIIISSSIBLE!!! Shouts Mama Rudi. I smile beneath my hat. I look up, the drum majors start counting off, the crowd cheers wildly even though we barely started.... I smile once again, and so we go for another run preparing for Chattanooga.

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This article has 2 comments.

Anime21 BRONZE said...
on Sep. 14 2013 at 12:22 pm
Anime21 BRONZE, CUMMING, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." -Josephine Billings

Thank you very much :3 much appreciated 

Pink♥ said...
on Sep. 13 2013 at 1:58 pm
Love your piece!