Trust No One | Teen Ink

Trust No One

December 12, 2013
By Anonymous

You can’t trust anyone these days. Everyone lies; friends betray you, and everything you thought you knew was a lie. I used to have a hard time trusting people but now I don’t trust anyone because I think there all full of crap. Me and one of my “best friends” have been friends for years but this past year she decided to lie to me, betray me and be the worst friend ever, and everything turned around.

So what happened was that me and my guy best friend started having a thing for a couple months and we liked each other but we didn’t start dating. And I liked him a lot and my best friend knew that but that didn’t stop her from making out with him just because she felt like it. She didn’t even bother to tell me what she did. My friend that I had a thing with told me because he felt obligated to tell me. I tried getting her to tell me but she didn’t until I told her I knew. At first I didn’t think I really cared, but then they kept doing it and then it started bothering me. They did it because she sucked and wanted to get better to prove a guy she’s better. But it started bothering me so I stopped having a thing with him. They stopped kissing but they would flirt all the time, and whenever someone said that they liked each other she would deny it all the time. I still had feelings for him but people just thought I didn’t anymore. So eventually I told her that I liked him because she kept saying she didn’t.
Me:” I think I still like him. No matter what I do I can’t get him off my mind.”
Chell:” Yah I like him to but then he does stuff I don’t like so I don’t date him.”
That really pissed me off that she kept denying it over and over again but once I say I like him she decides that she likes him too. And I talked to my friend about it and he said he liked her and wanted to have a thing with her but she didn’t want to. But once I told her we kissed and stuff she flipped out on him and said she thought they had a thing and got mad at him. That made me mad because the only reason why she got mad is because he was giving someone else attention.

Chell: “I’m just waiting for him to ask me out.”

Me: “did you tell him that”

Chell: “yah”

He asked her out and they dated for a couple days. It made me mad because she dated him knowing I like him and everything. And I didn’t kiss him one time because she liked him. So it made me mad that she screwed me over but I stopped myself for her. But they dated for a couple days because she didn’t really like him and all this stuff. He has changed ever since and hasn’t been the guy that was my best friend and all he really did was use girls.

This experience has showed me that you can have a best friend for years that you thought that you could always trust but that they can screw you over at anytime. I haven’t been close to her ever since and now we barely talk. She made me realize who my real friends are but I can never really fully trust someone because they can screw me over like she did. Through this experience I learned to trust no one besides god. That he will be the only one that is always there for you and wont screw you over, or be selfish for any reason. He will do what’s best for you and even though we may not understand why he does things. God is the only person I can trust because he will always be there for me even when no one else is.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Jan. 14 2014 at 4:17 pm
Patricia Cazares BRONZE, Everson, Washington
1 article 1 photo 2 comments
Some people aren't trust worthy. Be careful who you choose as friends. Remeber there is also people that are wonderful. "Like me for example". Forgive but don't forget. You will find someone wonderful someday, learn from your expirence.

on Jan. 6 2014 at 3:42 pm
people will come and go out of your life, some that will be good for you and others that will be bad, but will teach you a lesson in life. Alway forgive, his just a "boy", their million of them in the world, but dont forget the lesson that this expirence has thought you.

HewitDal000 said...
on Jan. 6 2014 at 1:25 pm
your essay is good, but if your gonna say trust no one then i would talk about how multiple people have betrayed you and led to you not trusting anyone