Regrets | Teen Ink


December 23, 2013
mignights-latereminder BRONZE, Plano, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.

I think there's a few times in our lives when we're asked if we have any regrets.
Earlier in my life, I immediately answered yes. I regretted my first love, for he had shattered my heart into one million pieces. I regretted trying so hard to be someone I was not. I regretted not studying for that test in seventh grade; the one I failed miserably. I regretted telling that boy I loved him, when he loved someone else. I regretted feeling lonely. I regretted so much.
But then I realized, if I hadn't met my first love, I wouldn't know anything I know now. I wouldn't know how to get better, to move on. I wouldn't know what self-respect really is. I wouldn't know that to give yourself to someone, you have to love yourself first. I realized, if I hadn't stepped out of my boundaries, and tried to fit in, I never would have known the importance of real friends. If I hadn't told that boy I loved him, I never would have learned what acceptance is. If I had never felt lonely, I never would have appreciated the people in my life. My friends, but most importantly, my family.
Without those “mistakes” I made in my life, I wouldn't be who I am today. All these things make up who I am. They make up what I know and what I've yet to learn. So next time you get asked “What's your biggest regret?” You simply answer, “I have none.”

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