Music Is Going To Save the World | Teen Ink

Music Is Going To Save the World

April 2, 2014
By Viceroy BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Viceroy BRONZE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Musical theory is the type of thing that a lot of people tend to talk about like they’ve studied the field for years when in reality they have only taken a few band classes or haven't really don’t have any actually true information. A majority of the public doesn’t realize how much music doesn’t actually affect and influence our everyday lives. If you were to ask yourself how much music affected your daily life, and you actually thought about it in depth you would be surprised that you can find your favorite songs influencing everything from your actions to your very emotions themselves.

I’ve grown up with music, it’s been a constant part of my life since day one. My father is a musician and my mother always had something playing out of the speakers. I was exposed to a lot of different types of media that eventually I started to develop my own tastes in music , far different tastes then my parents. Now this begs the question: Why do different people like different kinds of music? From this question you can think about where music even comes from in the first place. If we can find out what music is in essence then maybe we would have a chance to learn why it’s able to evoke nearly every emotion that humans are capable of feeling. But just what are emotions?

Without going too much into depth, I can concluded from what I’ve found thus far that music is one of the most important parts of our lives. Not all of us realize it yet but it affects a large part of our everyday lives. Either you hear it in the car or you have a song stuck in your head during class, there’s no way to escape it and I don’t see anything wrong with that. Studies have shown that students who take a music based class alongside their other classes not only learn at a faster pace but also learn better. If we apply music in positive ways in more parts of our lives it’s very likely that we’ll see even better performance out of everyone.

I wish that fixing the worlds problems was as easy as playing music. Maybe one day when we completely understand ourselves, music, and more importantly our emotions, then maybe music could be the solution to our problems.

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This article has 2 comments.

SabryCorey said...
on May. 19 2014 at 10:33 am
I like the inviting title of your post for starters, it made me want to actually read it! I like how you bring up that there is no escape from music as well. but not in a negative way. There is always music playing in our heads or in the backround, it's just always there for you. I wonder if you can expand this post by maybe looking into the opinions of other people, or relating music to a personal experience where it has definitely helped you in life. 

Ms. Dichiara said...
on Apr. 25 2014 at 2:38 am
What a great article.  Lots to think about!