Letter to My Future Wife | Teen Ink

Letter to My Future Wife

April 22, 2014
By RobertHenry40 BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
RobertHenry40 BRONZE, Osceola, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Letter to my Future Wife
Hey Babe,

The times we’ve had have been #perf. I put a hash tag because I know you hate when I do that. Each moment we spend together… well I don’t know what to expect from you. That’s a good thing though because we will never get bored with each other. Whenever I see you, my heart skips…a beat. I would have never thought of finding the right woman this early in my life.

I’ve shared many good, bad, and funny stories with you. You always try to tell me jokes, but most of the time they are not funny ;). My jokes always make you laugh because I’m a great comedian. One time I almost made you cry because you were laughing so hard at my joke. My favorite joke you told me so far is

You-What do you call a pile of cats?


You- A meowtain

I remember when I went to the last football game of the season. We lost 54-17, but it was a fun first time experience watching a high school football game. At the end of the first quarter, you came up to me and started a conversation! You were talking about the weather which was very funny because that’s the worst way to start a conversation. I don’t even think you knew my name then. You were trying so hard to talk to me, but the funny thing is I was actually nervous to even speak. Then you left before the fourth quarter to your friend’s house. I was deff a little upset because I still wanted to talk to you.

We didn’t even communicate after that game. About two months after the game, you asked me if I was okay because I just got out of a relationship. You were trying to comfort me, but deep inside I knew you were just trying to flirt with me. I was flirting with you, too, so it was okay that you were flirting.

It was Christmas break when you went to Texas with your family even though you did not want to go. We texted the whole time, you said you wanted to text the whole time because you wanted to talk to me and not be alone. All we kept doing the whole two week break was flirt and talk to each other. We had some deep conversations during that two week break, but I enjoyed them because I got to talk to you.

I still remember the day like it was yesterday. It was January 15, 2014 at around 3:18 pm at school. I asked you to be my girlfriend, I didn’t care who heard me spill out my feelings for you. I was really nervous when I told you how I felt about you because I was worried about how you felt. You said yes right away! After that, so much weight was lifted off my shoulders!

The first week was pretty confusing because of what happened on that first weekend. You made me feel really confused and I had mixed feelings. That day you said that you have something to tell me and I said okay nervously. You told me face to face that you did something bad, and I really appreciate you telling face to face rather than over a text or someone else telling me. I was devastated but after you told me that I’m the only one you want, I forgave you. You made the best choice because I know you make my life #perf. That incident is behind us now; all I’m looking forward to is our future.

When I look into your eyes, all I see is me and you together five-ever because that’s more than forever. We have been through a lot together good and bad, but mostly good. Every time we spend time together we always have fun because we have so many things in common and we always laugh and smile together. Whenever we’re together, we usually just cuddle and laugh together, but sometimes we have deep conversations about the future. You know I want to be a police officer, but you want me to be in a suit and tie which I definitely do not want to be.

I remember when I first met your dad at the 3-on-3 tournament that your brother was a part of. I was working concessions to raise money for our school's basketball program. You came to visit me before work, but you had to go to work at 4 pm and it was already 3pm when you got there. I bought you a Pepsi even though you wanted a Diet Pepsi because you are trying to act like a lady in front of me, but I want you to be comfortable around me. You left at 4 o’clock to go to work, but your dad was still there because your brother was still playing in the tournament. I kept on asking my friends how I should go start a conversation with your dad. They kept on messing around about it, but I was serious. It was about 8 o’clock and I saw your dad, so I went up to him and started talking to him saying how nervous I was coming up to talk to him. I texted you right after that and told you how it went, but you did not believe me that I talked to him.

Whenever you and I talk, I still get butterflies in my tummy, but I enjoy that feeling. You were in English 10 with Mrs. R, and you guys were working on sophomore letters. You told me to write you one, so I did. Since I wrote you one, I told you to write me one, but it took you forever to write it because you were changing things and didn’t know how to finish the letter. I know why you kept on procrastinating on finishing the letter; you were scared of putting the four letter word that I’ve never said to a woman before. That four letter word means so much to me, the only person I’ve ever said it to is my grandma because she was the one that raised me throughout my childhood. You ended up putting it in the letter after I found out what you were putting. I understand why you wanted me to say it first because that would be awk if you said it and I didn’t. I ended up saying it later into our relationship because I truly mean it. I would never lie to someone that I care about so much because you mean the world to me.

The first time I met your mom was really nerve racking because you told me she is like the dad, and is very protective over you. We were at the Snowball dance at the high school, and it was about 10:45 at night. You had gymnastics meet the next day, so I wanted you to get some sleep. Your mom was right outside in the school parking lot, I was walking you out and I felt like I was walking on clouds because I was so nervous. When I walked up to her car door I opened it and put you in there like a gentleman. I thought that would definitely get me on her good side. You introduced me to her, and I said “Hi nice to meet you.”

She did not seem like wanted to meet me so she said, “Hi Robert” like I was a wall. Then you guys drove off and Beau came to pick me up to take me home that night. You texted me when you got home and said that your mom like me especially when I opened the door for you and was so polite to her. I felt so accomplished that night because I met both of your parents already and I’m on both of their good sides.

The first time I went to your house it was about 9 o’clock at night, and that’s because you said your mom texted you and told you that I should come over since you were bored. I was so nervous because I didn’t know what to expect from your stepdad and your mom. You came to pick me up and it was the first time I drove with you, I thought I was going to die that night because you were driving between the lines sometimes. It’s okay because we both survived… surprisingly. Just kidding! When we got to your house your stepdad was watching Sports Center which you know is my favorite show to watch, it was perfect; all your stepdad and I did was talk about basketball. Your mom just got home and all she said to me was” Hi Robert”, that’s it. I was honestly expecting a lot of questions about me or my family. I was shocked!

April 15th, 2014 was an important day for me because first of all it was our third month together and second of all that’s the longest I’ve ever been in a relationship. I just never took relationships seriouly until I met you. I wrote a poem for you and bought you a big vanilla candle; I know you wanted a candle because you told me you wanted one about a month before our third month anniversary. Whenever we drive in the car we always look at people’s house and try to visualize where we’ll live and how nice the house is going to be. I always say an average size house will be #perf, but you want a big one. You’ll get what you deserve.

Hannah, you know I love you, and I will love every second we spend together. You mean the world to me because you are perfect for me and you make my life complete. I want to grow old with you; I hope you feel the same. I want to wake up right next to you every morning and sleep next to you every night. I just truly feel like I could be with you for the rest of my life.

Love you,

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