Conquering Concerts | Teen Ink

Conquering Concerts

June 3, 2014
By Anonymous

"Maggie!! I got you a ticket for the One Direction concert with me and Siobhan! Do you want to go?" I heard my friend, Magda's voice, echo through the phone.

"OH MY GOD! I'D LOVE TO! THANK YOU SO MUCH MAGDA" I said with such excitement and craze, I started to tear up.

This was my first concert ever, and I was just so flabbergasted that it was One Direction! I’ve liked them ever since they were on the show, X Factor iin 2011. No one knew about them since they lived so far away in London, but I did. It made me feel as though I was their only little fan at first, which I liked...a lot. Then, they got more and more famous, and the next thing you know, they're on Good Morning America, and making their own movie! These kind of things happen all the time; like another one of my favorite bands, Emblem 3. The difference between these two outstanding bands is that One Direction has millions of fans, where Emblem 3 has thousands. To see where they were, to where they are now still amazes me.

The concert was just a week away, on June 2nd, and I couldn't have been more ecstatic than I was right then. I had to pick out the best outfit for the concert, because if they saw me, maybe I had the slightest hope that they'd remember me in the crowd of thousands. When the day arrived, I had everything planned out: the seating, the outfit, the track list, everything noted and taken care of. When we got there, I was so overwhelmed. The venue was split up into three sections: floor, second balcony, and third balcony. I was supposed to be on the second balcony, but I needed to be on the floor. It was One Direction, I needed it. The arena looked like it came out of the movies! The stage was decorated from top to bottom with: posters, strobe lights, misty fog, the band’s equipment, and the scenery of a campfire, going along with the theme of their album, “Up All Night.” All the people were lined up in rows based upon their section. When I saw the amount of people coming to see them, I was in shock!

"How can so many people fit into one place?" I asked my friend Siobhan, who I could tell by her face, thought the same exact thing.

"I don't know, don't worry about it, we're gonna get in. We have tickets. Right here!" She pointed to the tickets very enthusiastically.

"Besides Maggie, we're gonna sneak up to the front anyways!" Magda said with a huge smirk on her face.
"What if we get caught? We could get kicked out!" I was so anxious, the words just seemed to spill out of my mouth with no control.

"We won't you Debbie Downer, cheer up! We will get to the front row faster than you can say One Direction!" Magda exclaimed.

She was right. It wasn’t easy at all, but it was doable.
“Siobhan, I’m scared. What if the huge security guard comes over here and kicks us out? I’M TOO YOUNG TO GO TO JAIL!” I said so loud; the people around me gave me the dirtiest looks.
“Oh. My. God. Would you stop?! We’re are not going to go to jail! Just face forward and pretend to blend” she said as we were merged towards the floor line.
It seemed as though all eyes were on us as we forged our way ahead. People knew we didn’t belong there. I could tell, but I just keep walking forward pretending as if the dirty looks on their faces where just their natural expressions. Once the line got to us, a big, muscular man came up to me, and said,
“Tickets please.” in a monotone voice.
“ Umm...Uhh...Hmm...MAGDA” I said in a panic. “help me….” I whispered to her nonchalantly, so the guy couldn’t tell I was trying to sneak past him.
“Sir, I think that lady is having a heart attack, over there!” She pointed to this elderly, wrinkled lady most probably with her granddaughter, choking on a hot dog!
“You young ladies just wait here!” he yelled from halfway across the way to the lady.

We ran inside as fast as we could inside the arena, and finally, made it in.

Once we maneuvered our way to the front, I saw everything in a clear view. Everything was perfect, and I wouldn’t have done it without the help of my friends. By the looks on their faces, it seemed to me, that they thought it was perfect too.

The crowd sprung up as soon as the lights dimmed. In the corner of each room, there were two TVs showing the introduction to the concert. Then, the countdown began.

"In 10, 9, 8...." said the anonymous voice coming from behind stage.

All you can hear is the whole crowd, chanting,

"1D! 1D! 1D!"
"....3, 2, 1!"

Each and every song had it's own way of luring the crowd to want more and more. The way they took over the stage, and captivated the hearts and minds of so many people made me so overjoyed to be there. I remember standing there, looking over the crowd, thinking, " What did I just get myself into?"

This was just the beginning. I had a tough decision to make after that concert. I thought to myself, "Should I make concerts and meeting celebrities a part of my everyday lifestyle?" The answer was a resounding yes! Going to concerts was, and still is very important to me. I've met some really good friends from going to so many concerts. I would love to relive the moment of a concert, when the singer comes on stage, and feeling the uproaring crowd scream; the sensation of adrenaline you get during each concert. It’s indescribable!

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