You're Cold Heart | Teen Ink

You're Cold Heart

May 29, 2014
By CasandraWest SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
CasandraWest SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"imagination is the beginning of creation" -George Bernard Shaw

“I knew I should have never brought you here, all you do is complain about how I act and try and tell me what I should be thinking about for MY future. You’re pathetic, honestly.” looking at Tyler calmly, refraining from giving him what he wants.

“Why are you even mad right now? I asked you what you were going to do after college, you act like I’m trying to force something on you. You don't even have a job and we’re Juniors in high school; all you do is sit around and ask me for money that I’ve worked for, and I stupidly give it to you. When are you going to be satisfied?!”
I take a breath and waited for him to say something; we’ve been through this a million times, and every time he would always make a small problem into something bigger.

“NO! I’m done doing this, I’m not going to keep listening to you asking me about my future, it’s none of your business. We’re done, don't talk to me at school on Monday, don't text me, don't even

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