The Life of the Loser | Teen Ink

The Life of the Loser

July 23, 2014
By Anonymous

Walking down the halls of my school with everyone starring at you like you are weird. People whispering nasty things about you. No one is by your side protecting you, telling you everything will be okay in the end. Your friends drift away leaving only two or three. Those two or three friends try to be there for you but they don't understand what you are going through. One of those friends says she wants to kill herself. You try so hard to keep her here until your other friend talks to her and stops her. She pushes you away while your other friend follows her.
You cry every night in your room thinking nobody wants you. No one cares if you are sad or happy or even breathing. You want your friends to look you in your eyes and tell you they know whats going on with you. They know that you are depressed, wanting to self-harm, and realize how hurt you are on the inside.
Yet, that won't happen. They won't realize any of those things. No one is here for you anymore. Your friends will leave soon. You have lost everyone and you lost yourself along the way. You don't know who you are anymore.
This person is me. This is how i feel, how i live, how things are in my life. It's hard to explain furthermore. My whole is like a soap opera in the making.
So, if you are like me in a way like you are different than others or you are alone. Leave me a comment. Don't forget to rate, comment, and read my other stuff.

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