My mom my hero | Teen Ink

My mom my hero

September 8, 2014
By Anonymous

In everyone’s lives there are people that meant a lot to them, but every once a while someone even more unique comes along, and this person is someone that you can trust, someone you can call “hero”, and she is  obviously my mom. She is someone that has made  difference in my life, and went through problems, challenges, obstacles, pretty much she  went through all with me, and it’s  why my mom puts a smile on my face everyday, and I would say that she is the only hero that I have because I can trust on her, I can tell her whatever I want  and she won’t mad at me or yell because she understands me. She also has gone through the same obstacles  as me, and even more because she has to dial with me, and my other three sisters. When all of my family gets together we also have so much fun together, so its not just going through problems or bad situations, but we also have a good family that would help us with whatever we need, and we all can success together.


My mom had to go through lots of obstacles just to make sure i was been happy with her. She would do whatever for me even if she is busy at the moment, and helped me with what I needed. When she got divorced that was a really hard time for all of my sisters, for me, and for my mom, but she was still there for me keeping up on helping me because I was going through a really hard time because she wanted me to success, and now finally got through. She is my hero because she would be there for me anytime I wanted to talk to her. She had to work as twice hard as someone else because being a single mom with four kids its not easy, and she had to proved us that she would be able to take of all of us. She came here 5 years ago and, she started working as a server at a restaurant for two years, and then that’s when I came here, so she was making enough money, and she bought house, and now she is the manager assistant, and she is just making sure all is going fine in the restaurant.


There are millions of reasons why my mom is my hero and here are a few of them to mention.  My mom is a brilliant person because My mom has been always there for my when I needed her. She always knew what medication to give me if I was not feeling well. She knew what to do for me to feel better or if I had a pain she would make it go away. My mom would make my life easier just because she was there for me when I needed her. She was there always with me. I also consider my mom gentle, when I was growing up I remember my mom showing me step by step what i was doing, and she would take the time to show me all what i needed to learn, and do do it right. One phrase that my mom always tells me is that “if I will do it, do it right the first time”, and she would say “ donkeys work doble”. She says that there shouldn’t be a reason to be doing it the wrong way if she showed me to do it right the first time. My mom would take her time to show me as much time as I needed to learn what I was doing because she always wanted me to do it in a right way.

After all my mom is my hero because she is the one that helped me with what I needed to get done, and it didn’t matter is she was doing stuffs,  she would still go with me, and helped me. I love my mom for many reason. She is someone that changed my life and put  a smile on my face every single day that goes by, and she also loves me back because i’m her son, and the only son that she has. She went through lots of challenges, and I went through some of them with her as well, but still she was still there for me, and she always tell me “ I will never let you down” and it really encourages me to keep up because if I try to do what I want to do,  and it doesn’t come out the way I wanted to, she would back with me and help me do it right. Over all my mother is someone that I am proud of, and I am proud that I can call her real mother because all she did was that she makes her son better everyday.

The author's comments:

writen in Mundelein High School

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on Sep. 14 2014 at 11:17 pm
EmilytheBelleofA. DIAMOND, Athens, Georgia
81 articles 5 photos 1486 comments

Favorite Quote:
To love is to be vulnerable; Triumph is born out of struggle; We notice shadows most when they stand alone in the midst of overwhelming light.

I can connect. My mother is my hero too. My parents divorced and as it was hard on me and my brother, it was also hard on her too. But she still stayed strong. I was actually thinking of writing about this. I love it, your article. Thank you for sharing this!