Lobster Fishing | Teen Ink

Lobster Fishing

October 30, 2014
By Benjamin97 BRONZE, Beals, Maine
Benjamin97 BRONZE, Beals, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Did you know that it takes seven years for a lobster to reach a size where it’s legal to sell? I have been brought up around these creatures, they are what put cloths on my back and food in my mouth. My whole family has lobster fished on both sides. I can remember when I was really young going with my grandfather Robert Alley. Then when I was around six or seven I would go with my father after he had got his first power boat. Of course I wouldn’t be doing much baiting a bait bag or two and banding a lobster every now and then. I can remember crawling up on the bulk head or (dash board of the boat) and sleeping there and getting ten dollars to just sleep. It was easier to do that than having a baby sitter. I was ornery when I was young and not much has changed.
When I first got my lobster license dad and I had an outboard with a twenty five mercury on the stern. We would go down and haul thirty five traps by hand. I wasn’t quit big enough to rip the traps up over the side at that time so dad would do most of the work. I fished like that by hand for two years then I up graded to a bigger boat a sixteen foot Calvin. It had a cabin a pot hauler. It was a big upgrade that is what I currently still have I have made really good money out of this boat. I paid two thousand dollars for it five years ago. I bought it off my brother in law I put about six thousand into it so far. I also got some second hand traps that were my fathers. I now fish one hundred and fifty traps.

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