Is this it? | Teen Ink

Is this it?

November 2, 2014
By Idalia16 BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
Idalia16 BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was on a cold Sunday afternoon when I realized I had no idea of what to do with my life. Let alone about my academic future, who do I want to be? What are my dreams, my plans? Where do I want to go? What’s the path I want to take?
So many questions, yet no time to answer them. It feels like if days just passed by without my consent. Like if I was just watching life through a window, noticing how much everyone is enjoying it and asking myself why does it feel so neutral to me. Even my own family seems to love the day from the moment they wake up until they close their eyes at night. We live under the same roof, we share the same resources, if we all live the same way, then why am I the only one that seems unsatisfied?
My life has always been full of love and laughs, yet there’s always a question I’m afraid is always echoing in my head; is this it?
It’s like if I knew there was something else that’s being kept from me. Everyone has that special something that brightens up their life. A star that guides them, a dream to chase, a future to plan or maybe something to escape from.  Something that spices up their day, something that fills it with the thrill and thirst for adventure. When am I going to find mine?
Maybe it’s already out there, maybe I’m just not ready to reach it. The only thing I hope is that when the time comes and I’m apt enough to stretch and finally have on my hands what I’ve looked for all my life, I’ll know it was all worth it.

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