The Urgent Care Medical Clinic | Teen Ink

The Urgent Care Medical Clinic

October 31, 2014
By LukeGoodson777 BRONZE, Brush Prairie, Washington
LukeGoodson777 BRONZE, Brush Prairie, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever been in a situation where you were fooled by a name? This can happen to you in the Urgent Care Center. Many people, including me, have made this costly mistake; don’t let it happen to you. If ever you have a serious injury, or are in need of immediate medical assistance, then do not go to the Urgent Care Medical Clinic.
One very hot summer mid-afternoon my cousin Matt and I were working on my farm. in the country one day. We were both getting tired of the task we were assigned by my dad and needed some excitement and a break. So I came up with the brilliant idea of driving a golf cart down our long downhill driveway. Yes, a golf cart. My dad had purchased it some years earlier and we couldn’t drive my truck in our field because, “one, it was out of gas, and two, I wasn’t allowed to drive it in our field anyway.”

         “Hey, why don’t we drive around in the golf cart?” I asked my cousin.
         “Sure, why not?” he replied.

So we started out just driving down the driveway at top speed, which wasn’t that bad of a speed, (around 20-25 mph) for a golf cart, and somewhere along the way we decided to start attempting to drift in the golf cart.

Now, our cart s not the safest one in the world. It doesn’t have any doors, or seat belts, because it’s a golf cart. While we were doing this, I was of course in the far edge of the passenger seat, and we hit a bump, crack, pothole, cat, I don’t remember. After we hit the mystery object the cart jumped up a little, causing me to fly out of it and into a barrel roll on my side for about 10 meters. After I had stopped I immediately got up and my wrist was on fire. Well, not really but it sure felt like it.

         “OH MY GOD I BROKE MY WRIST!!!” I exclaimed with the pain shooting from the base of my hand to the end of my elbow.
         “Holy crap dude, are you alright?” my cousin exclaimed.

Now of course I was clearly not alright but it was a sudden shock to us both. Besides, what else do you say? Then we ran into my house to get my mom. At this point I was no longer so upset now that the initial shock had worn off, but it still hurt like all hell.

 After I got into the house I wasn’t really thinking of my wrist. I was feeling sorry for my cousin because he seemed more shaken up that I did.

“Its O.K man, I’m alright. It was just a lot of shock that’s all.” Because I was honestly more upset than I would have liked to be. He gave no response but I could see that my words were not that big of a comfort to him.  After a few more seconds we were out the door and in the car.

 Now I was under the impression that the only obvious thing to do was to go the emergency room. I was mistaken. We instead went to the Urgent Care Medical Clinic in Vancouver. There I was in complete agony in the terribly outdated lobby waiting for my mom to get to the counter and tell them we needed urgent care. That is what the place is called so I assumed they could help. I was wrong again. After about an hour of my mom standing in line they told her they couldn’t help me and that I should go to the emergency room.

When at long last we entered the emergency room I was helped immediately. So we could have sped right to the emergency room rather that waste 2 hours going to the urgent care clinic, waiting, and driving to the hospital from the clinic.

If ever you have a serious injury, or in need of immediate medical assistance, then do not go to the Urgent Care Clinic. When I was in need, the Urgent Care Clinic did less than nothing to help. So next time you are in need of urgent care, don’t fall for the name, the Urgent Care Medical Center is not for immediate care.


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