Made in America | Teen Ink

Made in America

November 7, 2014
By austinyde SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
austinyde SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine waking up every day knowing it could be your last. Imagine being over seas where bullets fly past your head and enemies try to shoot down your jet daily. This is the life that many of my family members have experienced, risking there lives to save ours.

I’m proud to be an American because of those who serve our country in the military. Without our military, we wouldn’t be able to call ourselves Americans.They fought for our freedom from Great Britain, so we could choose our fate and be what we wanted to be.

I’m proud of those who died for our independence, for our freedom of religion and speech, and for our right to bear arms. I am proud of those who protect us from terrorism, and of those who try to keep peace around the world.
The United State’s military protects our rights. They risk their lives so you have the right not to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, and so you don’t have to love America, or those who rule it.

They proudly hoist the American flag in their yards because of their love and care for this country. Military members spend their adulthood giving back to the country that gave so much to them.

Two of my uncles went over seas after 9/11 to ensure the safety of our citizens. They risked their lives to save mine. Even though I was lucky enough for them to make it back alive I will never forget the duty that they did for this country. Seeing people like my uncles fighting over seas makes me proud to be an American. Every time I see an American flag rise I think of them. Their hard work, bravery, and selflessness. Our veterans and current military members show what it means to be an American, and for that I am proud to be one. 

The author's comments:

This article is written to show why I'm proud to be a part of this great country.

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