My Inspiration | Teen Ink

My Inspiration

December 3, 2014
By Jenna Sparano BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
Jenna Sparano BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Throughout her life, my mother has been put through countless struggles, disappointments, and losses. Time after time, she never failed to make the best of each situation and take advantage of the chance to become stronger. These defining moments of my mother’s life make her the most positive influence in my life. Through the loss of her father at a young age, as well as her husband, mother, and many more loved ones, my mother did not let this negativity get the best of her. She seized these opportunities to grow as a person, appreciate the important people in her life, and bring her loved ones closer together. I did not realize this until my father passed away in 2008. It was from this point on that I began to see my mother in a whole new light. Never did she once break down in front of my brothers and I, or shut out the world because of yet another earth-shattering loss. I marveled in amazement at her strength to grieve so independently not seeking the pity of others. I could only hope these same qualities would rub off on me someday. My mother’s love is unconditional for those lucky enough to have her in their lives. This is a trait I wish to develop throughout my life. Her compassion and goodwill radiate in all aspects of her life as well as mine. Not as day goes by that I am not in some way inspired by her to do the right thing and be the best person I can be. My mother is my absolute best friend and I cherish every moment spent with her. 

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