Log Sixty-Eight | Teen Ink

Log Sixty-Eight

December 20, 2014
By Makaoi SILVER, Traverse City, Michigan
Makaoi SILVER, Traverse City, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"May I die before what's mine is yours"

It’s been a long three weeks. I’ve built my empire so tall and proud-yet here it comes crumbling down, burying me and killing  me ,slowly, in the rubble. Things aren’t the way they used to be. Everytime I turn around ,things go from bad to worst-from worst to terrible and so on. I start thinking it’s a dream;a bad dream. Nothing like this could ever happen in real life ,right? The circles under my eyes seem darker every time I look in a mirror. I never thought this isolation would hurt so much. I’ve never known pain like this. I can’t help myself and no one else will even ask me if somethings wrong. All I can do is hope that time will work this out but I don’t how much longer can I take it. Why am I still here?

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