Treasure | Teen Ink


April 21, 2015
By mol567 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
mol567 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Three amazing barns filled with majestic horses of many kinds, from fouls to old nags. Established in 1978 in Hartland, Knollwood Farm LTD, is truly a treasure of Waukesha County because we can ride year round, learn new skills, help others improve, and participate in events through the barn.

I have been a part of the Knollwood team for seven years without  a dull moment during my days at the barn, to having a helper by my side when I first started riding to now being the helper of a new beginner. Teaching the beginners is a real treat because I get to know them as well as teach them what I have learned.

Knollwood isn't just about the horses -- it’s also about the helpers who make each night successful. The helpers make sure that the night runs smoothly by grooming, tacking, and feeding. They’re always busy with chores to do, but always finding time to enjoy the barn and friends.

Throughout the year, Knollwood holds events. Such as seeing which day of the week can bring the most food for the Waukesha food pantry, battling to bring in the most food. Street clean up, and raising money for the American saddlebred rescue. Knollwood also welcomes birthday parties of many ages,  HAWS groups and girl scout troops.

Knollwood Farm LTD. is always welcoming new riders and are always willing to get to know the rider personally as well as making them a successful rider which is a treasure. 

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