Sea Turtle Superheroes | Teen Ink

Sea Turtle Superheroes

December 13, 2015
By LizzieG BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
LizzieG BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear friend,

Thank you for the most wonderful night. It’s times like this where I know I have a best friend.  I arrived at your house not feeling my best, to be honest. I was anxious about other things in my life, and it showed. I sat with you as you ate dinner, and I could only hope I started to feel better. Spoiler Alert- I did. After dinner we gathered our things and headed out. In that moment I truly loved where we live, we were able to walk to the beach.
We found the hidden, eerie beach access and braved it with the dim light of our iphones. The beach was dark, empty, and inviting. You let me choose our spot, about halfway from the stairs to the water. This is where we sat and talked for the longest time. At some point you decided to turn your flashlight on. Every part of our blanket, shoes, and surrounding area was covered in bugs. Once my eyes adjusted to the sight, it was like I was sitting on a spring. I shot up, screaming and running around- truly making a fool of myself.

Refusing to sit back down, we went for a walk. We walked until we recognized buildings that, on the road, were far from your house. We had to turn around at this point, it was late and we had a long walk home. On the walk home, I saw a dark circle fall into a hole. I yelled that I saw a baby sea turtle, but you were skeptical. With the small light we had, looking into a crab hole, we found a baby sea turtle! It seemed to be stuck, but got out in a short time. We were already emotionally involved, so we couldn’t leave until our lil guy made it in the ocean. He was off, and started running the wrong way. Sadly, he fell into another crab hole, this one, harder to get out of. I feel pride thinking of you here, you stayed so calm. I was nervous and shaky, wanting nothing more than for this turtle to make it to the ocean. The turtle was trying, but it was deep and a ninety degree angle, nearly impossible to get out of. We sat silently. We couldn’t reach in and grab him, and I wouldn’t want to, in fear of hurting our fragile friend. After who knows how long, you gently pushed back sand, slightly opening the hole. In shock, I followed suit. I can’t tell you how long we were doing this. We got down to his level, and he climbed out! I joke that we turned into parents at a soccer game, cheering on our son as he ran into the ocean.

I’ll leave you in that hug. The one we had when our turtle made it into the ocean. We saved a little baby turtle’s life, we are sea turtle superheroes.

Love Always,
Your friend

The author's comments:

I was inpsired by my best friend to write this, now I'm hoping to pass along the story. 

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