Falling | Teen Ink


December 16, 2015
By Anonymous

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock. This day started as any of my days would, I got up, took a shower, ate cereal, then walked up to the bus stop. Today was a brisk day, with a nice breeze, I was wearing athletic pants with a sweatshirt, like a always do, which kept me nice and warm.  The bus screeched to a stop and I got aboard. I was drowsy that day, and when I got to school forgot my lunch. I sat through what seemed like forever 1st through 7th hour. 8th hour was different however, I had a group of friends in that class, we goofed off and played games, but we all had good grades. I always went home with this kid named Joe (fake for reasons). We goofed off and the school bell rang. We then slowly made our way to his car, Some of my friends joined us on the way home. when we arrived he got in and locked the door. I said “Come on man” and he started to drive a little but soon let me back in. He was joking around like always. He was fun to hang out with. We went to QT. After we got our drink we got back into the car, I however had to sit in the back because it was someone else's turn to sit up front. We drove what seemed like forever until we arrived at his house to drop him off. I got out of the car to get in the front seat. When I got out of the car, he locked the door. I said “really man”. I sat on his hood so he wouldnt drive. He however decided to do it anyways. So here we are me sitting on a car moving between 20-30MPH. My athletic pants flying in the breeze. I felt something slip and everything went black. I awoke to him running over to me. He told me to sit still and when over to my friends who we just dropped off, house. They brought me inside and cleaned me up. That's all that I could remember and I couldn’t hold a conversation. I was told to remember things and I would but only for a moment. When I got home my mom had to take me to the emergency room. I had to get 5 or more staples and had a severe concussion. They said I could also have possible brain damage, But luckily I didn’t. My mom had to call his mom and they kept hanging up on my parents, when the doctor was asking my question, (still couldn't recall events). His parents refuse to answer because they were in a meeting even though I was sitting there with possible brain damage. Thats when our friendship ended. He refused to talk to me anymore, and I lost who I thought was a great friend. I wish I could write more but I can't recall anymore events. I just wish we still could be friends.

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