The Hike | Teen Ink

The Hike

January 15, 2016
By Jamesgould19 BRONZE, Glen Allen, Virginia
Jamesgould19 BRONZE, Glen Allen, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Hurry up let’s go!” I exclaimed. “All right, we're all ready, let's get on the road,” my mother said.

We’re off to wintergreen for the weekend. I ride with my mom, and my two sisters go with my dad. We stop at a restaurant before we head up the mountain. Thirty Minutes after lunch, we arrive at the lodge. Everyone unpacks and then naps. The first day is always the laziest day. My two sisters, my dad and I all are resting for the big hike the next day.

We always go on a hike, the four of us, on Saturday. We always have someone pick the place we will hike. Emily got to pick this time. She picked The Spy Rock Trail on the Appalachian Trail. We drive for what seemed like for forever. I slept, of course, but only because it was 8:00 in the morning, and I wasn’t used to the morning over the summer. Every other morning I would be waking up around, I don’t know, maybe 11:00am. I was usually still half asleep until 12:00. An hour later and we end up at the trail. We parked a mile away from the beginning of the trail. We all hated my dad right there. It wasn’t his fault though. He didn’t know that there was parking farther up.  At least we could say we did an extra two miles.

Once we got there, I was out of the car ready to go, everyone else on the other hand wasn’t-the nap really gave me an energy boost. I walked around and waited for everyone to get their water, pack their stuff, and get their shoes on. As I was walking around throwing rocks a car came up the road, they slowed down once they got to me. I thought they were going to ask for directions until I saw who was in the car while they started to speed up. “CABEL!!!” I exclaimed at the car. My sisters and my dad immediately turned around and looked towards the car. Emily, of course, ran over to the car to stop them. None of us knew that Cabel was going to be here. Emily claimed she didn’t but we all know she had texted him saying something like, “We’re going to this trail at this time, It’s super cool, if you’re looking for something tomorrow, here you go.”

Cabel and his friend Adam drove off and parked down the road-they clearly knew about the new hike. We all stared at my dad with disappointment. We started on our hike, not going with Cabel. The first part of the hike was a long rocky road going uphill, our favorite...Three miles into the hike, we hit a fork in the road. “Great!” I exclaimed. “5 bucks Emily knows where to go but she’s waiting for Cabel,” Anna whispered to me. Right after Anna said that, I noticed sticks in the shape of an arrow going in the direction of a path. So I naturally took that path and told everyone to follow. We stayed on this path not knowing if it was the right one. We hit a “Do not pass” sign, but I just went under and kept walking. I had to stop though because my dad was falling behind a little. We stopped for a minute and drank some water. Emily kept looking behind her, looking for Cabel of course. Once we started up again, we were booking it. I started to slow down because I didn’t know if this was the right path. But, I was soon proven wrong, we got to another fork in the road with a sign that said the hike we were on-”<-- Appalachian Trail”

“Good this was the right path,” I said.

“You didn’t know if this was the right one?!?!?!” everyone yelled.


We took the trail up for about another mile, and when we reached the top, it was amazing. There was a huge open area, full of tall green trees, green grass, broken logs, fire remains, and birds were chirping. It looked like a movie scene; so amazing it couldn’t be real. We all stood there in awe as we took in the beauty. People started to stare at us, so we started walking. There was a small dirt trail to follow through the meadow. The trail led us to the bottom of a huge rock.

The top had a tricky way of getting up. You actually had to climb up the side of a huge rock. There was no right or wrong way, so everyone took his or her own way up. It took several minutes for everyone to get up but when we did it was worth it. The view was unforgettable. The sun up above the surroundings mountains. The valley that showed the buildings and towns below. “You picked a good hike,” my dad said breathing deeper and deeper. “For once…” I whispered over to Anna.

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