Green Eyes | Teen Ink

Green Eyes

April 20, 2016
By bookaholic1998 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
bookaholic1998 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A sea of different shades of blue,washes through the eyes of my family. My mother’s eyes are dark like the Pacific, but silver slivers erupt from them when hit by rays of light. Hannah, my only sibling, has eyes encased inside long lashes like precious gems. They possess the power to lure and captivate an audience when she bats them together. My father’s eyes mirror the sky on a clear sunny day, enchanting and enticing, his greatest attribute.

In family photos the rare color blue almost seems overwhelming and humdrum, but if you look closely you will see a glimpse of green. Nana’s eyes are not an exotic emerald green and at first glance they might not seem extraordinary. Her green eyes are hiding behind wire frames, but if you look behind the glass you see them smiling. They are safe and gentle,like a warm blanket that engulfs you in hug.You can hear the laughter from her eyes as they crinkle at the edges. Those pale green eyes are extraordinary in a sea of different shades of blue.

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