Nothing in this World Is Fair | Teen Ink

Nothing in this World Is Fair

November 10, 2016
By Anonymous

“Water break!” Sung yelled. Sung was an tall and slender instructor that was one of those people that would listen to pop music while mopping mats after class with the other instructors. He was funny, and all, but during class, lets just say he wasn't really too friendly.


After his cue, I sprang up and looked at the clock that stared straight at me as if it had no purpose in being there. It was 6:45pm. Almost four hours had passed since I grudgingly got out of the car. It felt like millions of hours had passed since then. My legs felt numb and I started pacing around watching every single detail in the bland, white stone tile. I didn’t feel so good about myself. I sat down and put my long, untidy, black hair behind my ears. I really wanted to get this over with. I popped open my water bottle and took a sip of the refreshing liquid. I watched the other brown belts jump and run around, and as the older black belts we just talking and trying to act cool in a corner by laughing aloud once in awhile.

     Ahh… What a wonderful day.
     Stop it!
I tried to tell the annoying voice in my head. Turns out it didn’t work, and instead he went blabbering on and on even though he knew I was in a bad situation.
     It's not my fault for being me he said.
     Ugh just get out of there for atleast a minute.
     Fine I’ll go, but I’ll be back soon.

     “Why is this so long!” I stubbornly thought. Turns out I said it out loud so the instructor glared at me making me feel like that was a big mistake.

Ok then, I’m just going to make a turn to go to the locker room, and just like that I disappeared into the dimly lit room that was vacantly silent. I sat down and slowly tapped my right feet up and down as I toyed with my fingers. I took sip of water and leaned against the lint colored wall.

How is this going rest of this thing going to be like?

I took another sip of the refreshing liquid, and pushed my maroon colored glasses to the peak of my nose. It was pretty good except for the writing part. I must have failed on that, but I think I did great otherwise.

     It’s time. I told myself.  Don’t worry I got this in the bag.
     We’ll see...
     Fine, you’ll do amazing… Happy?
     Be quiet


My name was called. As I struggled to stand up, my mind went completely blank all I new was that I was tensed out for something. I even forgot why/where/how I was here…

     Okaaay then. Umm… what was I supposed to do again?
     Break the thing right in front of you dummy.

     I wanted to argue, but there was no point in doing that so I kept my temper down.
     Tick tock tick tock.
     Stop that! Let me focus or else I’m going to kill you.
     You can’t kill me. I’m in your head haha!
     Fine. May the force be with you.
(Snigger snigger)
     I got this.

 I was so worried even though I really had nothing to worry about. That annoying voice was actually right. I was overconfident.

     Aww,  you actually think I’m right …
     Heh. Have you ever even tried doing this before?


I didn’t want to answer that question because my mind was already full of thoughts and questions that were useless and made me scared for no reason anyway, and the answer to that would have made me feel even worse. My hands felt cold and numb as if they were buried in snow. 


Then I heard someone else inside me. This was definitely someone else because the other one was so annoying,but this one was different.

     Try harder it said. Make yourself feel that you can do it and don’t let that other voice bring you down.
     I’m right here.

     “Ok I think this is possible,” I whispered aloud bringing up my confidence.

I felt my hairs stick up as I looked at the to hard, grey bricks that were stacked on top of one another. I stepped forward putting one foot in front of the other. I felt a cold breeze skim my face as I charged. I when I say charge I mean actually CHARGE for I literally jumped and pushed my hand as hard as I could well can, but let’s just say could. Then I lifted my hand which felt like it was sitting in a fireplace and opened my eyes.

     I looked at my burnt red hand and then at the brick.    
     What. No,no,no,no,no,no,NOOOO…  This. can’t. be. I thought it   broke. I tried my best!
     Did you really?
     Shut up.


The brick was still standing with not even a single crack on its rough surface. I felt like this was a joke. How could this stupid, ugly brick not have broken. I turned to look at my parents that were frozen to the spot and speechless. They looked pretty disappointed. My brother silently sniggered. I didn’t know what to do.

At that very moment I felt angry. Not just at myself, but at everything. I started to hate my life for a second then I looked down at the cruel gray block of evil.

     This isn’t fair. It just isn’t fair. I thought stubbornly.
     Life itself was never meant to be called fair for nothing is fair.
     Well I hate it. I hate life. Why is it so cruel?!
     It just is.


The other voice my head was steady and calm which made me feel even more angry. I felt like I wanted to kick something or throw the brick and kill it because by the look of it, even if it wasn’t real, it was laughing at me in my head.

     “ Try again,” the instructor said calmly, a little disappointed.
     I would not let myself get embarrassed by one stupid BRICK!
     “Aaaaaagh!!!” I screamed aloud as I could to break the stupid thing into millions of pieces. I heard one piece of the brick clatter on the ground, with the other piece in front of me. I had passed.
     Loud cheers  and claps filled the air.
     This war is officially over. I won.
     Excellently done.

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This article has 5 comments.

HyperBunny said...
on Nov. 17 2016 at 12:05 am
HyperBunny, Cupertino, California
0 articles 0 photos 15 comments
It was a great story. Loved how you Italic

Esha_R said...
on Nov. 16 2016 at 11:23 pm
Esha_R, CUPERTINO, California
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
This was awesome!!! Good job! :D

TheLime BRONZE said...
on Nov. 15 2016 at 11:53 pm
TheLime BRONZE, Cupertino, California
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"One must always be careful of books and what is inside them for words have the power to change us."
-Cassandra Clare

Nice Job!! It was fun to read!

SriyaV BRONZE said...
on Nov. 15 2016 at 10:53 pm
SriyaV BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I think it matters whether someone has a good heart." -Elon Musk

loved it!!!

Mr.Gr said...
on Nov. 15 2016 at 9:46 pm
Mr.Gr, Cupertino, California
0 articles 0 photos 78 comments
Lots of internal conflict. You kept it interesting!