Some Words of Wisdom to My Younger Self | Teen Ink

Some Words of Wisdom to My Younger Self

March 7, 2017
By richtarangelo BRONZE, Oceanside, New York
richtarangelo BRONZE, Oceanside, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Younger Me, (Richie)

If you are reading this you have stumbled upon the treasures of your future. When you were in high school you spent the days in the clouds, living simple but to the fullest. You probably don't know this yet but you're gonna learn that the world isn't the easiest place to live in and a lot is gonna change for you over the years. You are going to have to be a contender and not let the struggles of life keep you down. There may be days where you feel like you can barely move, and everything is just out of joint. You’re gonna have to learn to accept the hardships, however, in order to appreciate the good, and the best part about this all is that when the good comes, it makes the darkness suddenly feel worth it.

You're gonna find the heart of a lion in you one day, and you will learn your natural talent, which is words. You are a wordsmith, and you live to make music, and the good news is even though you're struggling with computations right now with Mrs. Silverstein, and feeling like you might not make it anywhere, you got accepted into 5 towns college for music production. Props to us, right? I can't tell you everything that's gonna happen to you or that happened too me, it's important for you to experience that yourself. I hope you understand.

I'm the more evolved you. We’ve been through a lot, but don't worry - it's all part of the process. Everyone says that hindsight is 20/20, but I choose not to alter the past even if I have the chance to. You should as well.  One thing I can tell you is that you become successful and people acknowledge your talents. You just got listed as an unsigned indie artist on Long Island, a post on a blog called the daily grind, and hit your first 5,000 views. Just remember this -  even if it leads to your death. Always tell the truth, there are too many liars out. Sinners will stay still, but you just gotta keep swimming, some advice doesn’t change, Sometimes people will tell you you're drowning. Just ignore them and explain that you are wading in the water. Also your favorite music album will be Faces by Mac Miller, that's not up for discussion. That project is a treasure to you, because of how much you relate to it. Especially the songs “Funeral” and “Wedding”.

Now, speaking of, uh philosophy. In life,  if you don't have food on your plate rely on the meals that you managed to acquire yourself. With the storm going on around you, don't get mixed up in the rain, You made it this far already, all you really need is an ocean and faith in who you are. Stop and just ask yourself, why are you playing table tennis with yourself?

- Rich (After you graduated middle school you got sick of “Richie”)

The author's comments:

After a period of self examination I had asked myself "Who am I?" and "Who was I?"

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