Bad Mistake | Teen Ink

Bad Mistake

May 21, 2018
By Anonymous

Bad Mistake
“Sometimes remembering will lead to a story, which makes it forever. That’s what stories are for” (TTC 40). Sometimes in life what might not seem to be a problem for one person is a huge problem for someone else. In my story I made a mistake that I thought wasn’t a problem which resulted being a huge problem for my mom.
My story started off when I was in 3rd grade I asked my mom if I was able to go to my friends house on the upcoming friday because I have never been to his house and wanted to hangout with him. During my entire time in grade school I always came out the same door when school was out because my mom would pick me up. So she would wait for me and look for me to come out of that door. When the time came around for me to go to my friends on friday she forgot and waited for me to come out of the door. I went out of a different door because I was going to my friends house my mom waited for a long time after the bell had rung and the safety guards went in she still waited. She started freaking out because her kid wasn’t showing up when she dropped me off at school this morning. She thought that I was gone,lost or kidnapped; she called the cops and found out and remembered that I was at my friends house. When I finally got the chance to talk to her and she got the chance to talk to me she said:
“Why didn’t you tell me that you wanted to go to your friends house”.
“Why didn’t you give me the mom’s phone number”.
“Why didn’t you come out of the door that you always come out of”.

“Why didn’t you give me any information and where you're going
I responded saying “I didn’t think it was a problem and I thought you knew that I was going to my friends house after school”.
She said “ you have to come out the same door every time just so I can see you” and “let me know where you're going and who your going with”.
From this day forward I’ve told my mom everything she needs to know before I go out or do anything so this mistake and misunderstanding never happens again. I clearly didn’t think it was a big deal otherwise I would've came out of the door I was supposed too. I’m very happy that after everything my mom figured out where I was because otherwise she would’ve been looking all over Park Ridge for me or think that something horrible happened to me.
From my mom’s point of view I can completely understand why she freaked out and was very scared for my life. If I was in her shoes I would feel horrible like I just lost part of my life. When my mom took me from my friends house she took me home and talked with me for a long time about how to never pull that stunt again. She started off by saying
“ How could you do that to me, it made me think that you were gone forever.”
I responded saying “I’m sorry” and didn’t really say much else.
I didn’t really think it was a big deal at the time because I was a little kid and didn’t realize what could happen to me for the kidnapping part at least. Looking at it from my point of view I was just going out a different door thinking that my mom knew that I was going to my friends house so she wouldn’t be at my school to pick me up.
Overall I wouldn't blame one person or the other it was a misunderstanding on both parts.  Mostly it would be my fault though because I was only in third grade and didn't know that my mom didn't know who it was or where it was. I thought it was okay with my mom that I went to my friend's house and thought that I told her where I was going.  My mom on the other hand had no clue and was very scared for my life.  not giving her my location my friend's mom's phone number and which door I left out was not a smart idea on my part; I just wasn't thinking as a kid. So for future kids make sure that you have talked with your parents before you do anything and give them the location and who you're going with to that location.
This experience really changed the way I did everything in my life; it made me think if what I was doing was safe and right. Also I made sure that I checked with my mom that I can go wherever I wanted to go. Make sure you know that your parents are informed about what your doing and that you know what your doing is smart and safe, because your parents care about you the most and wouldn’t want anything horrible to happen to you.

The author's comments:

That kids will make things more clear with their parents 

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