Am I Suited Enough | Teen Ink

Am I Suited Enough

March 1, 2012
By KennethN BRONZE, Escondido, California
KennethN BRONZE, Escondido, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have been a football player since I was 5 years old. I love it with all of my life. It’s the thing that keeps me loving it because I want to play it for as long as I can. Then next year is the year that it counts. I am playing high school football. If I keep playing then I might do great to get into collage. I am in good shape I can be active a lot. I am an active sporty kid I love sports I love to play football mostly, baseball, soccer and basketball. But sports are what I am. I am sport. Sports are my life. I know I'm not the best person playing out on the fields. Even though I've been playing for 9 years. I am just not the fastest runner. But I still put 100% effort into sports. I just love it.
But like I said I’m not the best. I do try to do every thing I can. I work out 4 times a week. I stay hydrated whenever I’m out in the sun. There are some things I don’t do but should. But there are many people that think just because I’ve been playing for 9 years that I should be great but well I’m not. In order for me to play I have to get good grades so that’s the only reason I got my grades up. So for all of those kids who want to play sports who dreams about sports but you think that your not good enough just follow your dream don’t give up. That is exactly what I did and now I am hoping to go all the way to the NFL, MLB, and NBA. So just try your best and do what you need to do and if you have any one to give you some advice take it because it will help a lot.

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