Delora Conquers Land and Water | Teen Ink

Delora Conquers Land and Water

November 26, 2012
By rbelson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
rbelson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

A few years ago, this dancer turned from gracing the stage to racing. Now in year 2012, Delora concurs land and water. She says her humble outlook, determination, and sense of adventure all contribute to her positive outlook and influence her sports.

From age three, Delora has taken to the stage. As a dancer, she enjoyed the aspects of performing arts and developed strength. Dancing requires hard work and hours of determination which transcends her sports. However, the dancing lacked a vigorous cardio aspect Delora valued.

So Delora decided to choose another sport to participate in. After realizing sports with balls were not her cup of tea, she choose to run.

Starting as a beginner, Delora struggled to complete a half mile. Instead of quitting after keeling over in despair at the end of a run, she picked herself back up and tried again. She says she just kept chugging, along making improvements, and eventually, she was victorious.

As a freshman joining a new sport was nerve racking. But she says, once she got acquainted with the team, Delora realized that their was nothing to fear. She came to know the team well and thoroughly enjoys running. She now races on the junior varsity cross country team.

The coaches and varsity upperclassmen serve as inspiration to Delora. She says they work so hard to get where they are now and inspire her to keep on going through any doubts she has. Delora looks to them to inspire her to not give up.

Delora said, “I think whenever I PR, or gain a personal record, and run faster than I ever have, I feel immensely accomplished and proud. It's the point in time when you realize all of your hard work is starting to pay off.”

In the future, Delora plans on running whether that is in college or just for leisure. She says running has truly became her passion.

Delora does not limit her racing to land as she has also conquered the water. Sailing runs in her family. Her dad and his family has sailed and she now continues the tradition.

In seventh grade, Okauchee lake became the home to her and her friend and crewmate Kiley (age 15). Delora and Kiley race in an x class boat. This is a two person crew sailboat.

Last year their hard work paid off. Delora said, “My proudest moment as a sailor was my first year being the captain of my boat and in the last race of the season I got 11th out of 60 some boats. My friend, Kiley, who is my crew, and I were flabbergasted. We really didn't know how that was close to possible.”

As captain, Delora has learned to lead and navigate.

She says, “It is definitely a challenge, but I've come to accept that I will never be the best or for the most part any good, so now I'm merely in it for the fun of it.”

Not only does she sail x class boats, but she also crews for 420’s, which is a different style of boats. Delora says that she prefers the 420’s because of an extreme yet exciting experience that’s only possible on that specific model boat.

She says, “On days where it is windy enough, I can stand out on the trapeze. The 'trap' is a trapeze where a cable is connected to the mast of the boat and I am wearing a harness and connected to that cable. I then stand out on the side of the boat. It's a thrilling experience.”

Delora intends to continue sailing in the future. She says her goals are to simply enjoy the sport.

She says, “You can sail for the rest of your life, so I intend to enjoy it for many years to come.”

This girl is determined to keep enjoying life through doing what she loves. If sailing, dancing and running was not enough activities to keep Delora busy, the teen also enjoys reading and yoga.

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