Hard Work Equals Success | Teen Ink

Hard Work Equals Success

October 30, 2013
By Anonymous

Ever since I was 2 years old all I did was watch sports. First present I got was football,basketball,and a wrestling ring with wrestlers. Growing up I had a dream of being in the NFL one day. I looked up workout videos, motivational speeches, and documentaries on what it takes to get there. But one thing I learned “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.

Growing up I noticed that I’m gifted. I was shorter than everybody, younger than everybody, smaller than everybody, but I had and still have more heart than any and everybody. 5yrs old I told my mom I want to make it to the Nfl what she said was got to make it do what it do just a saying she use saying lets do it. When I was 10 yrs. old I found out I’m in a whole family full of athletes. And I wanted to be the person to make it give my mom and family any thing they need and want I’m determined and refuse to go down without a fight.

10myr old I found out I’m related to arguably one of the best line backers in history Ray Lewis. He sat me down and explained nothing is possible without grades or god. He also said nothing easy It takes hard work, effort, and patience and most important grades. Growing up I did push ups sit-ups played football, basketball, played sport games to learn. All my life full of pain and hatred. Pain because my father, who hurt me deep, abandoned me. I use to sit up cry try to call but too young to understand he was on drugs at that time he did not care bout me, himself, or nobody else.

Hatred because all I hear when I say I’m going to make it to the nfl is your not good enough, don’t have what it takes, your too small, too short, weigh to less, need to get bigger, too weak, not smart enough, not fast enough, don’t make enough plays, you nothing like your brother. Now I take criticism as fuel to make it. I worked all the time I tried hard in school just to play sports I went to fort Lauderdale Florida and Baltimore Maryland to train for biggest test of my life. But I got so much against me but I believe, my mom believes, my bros believe, and with god on my side I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Philippians 4:13 I wear this proud on my left arm. I have something to prove I work hard and when I make it I don’t owe anybody nothing just my mom, bros, my god, and me.

Now at 16 yrs. old 5ft8 160 ib middle linebacker for one of the strongest well gifted kids in the school I know that you can get anywhere with confidence. And I feel as thou I’m better than what people think. I workout all the time, I get good Grades, and while everybody sitting down or sleeping I’m up working because I’m going to make it no matter what. As of now in people eyes I’m a nobody I still don’t have what it takes but I never cared what people thought of me I got confidence determination work ethic I will be remembered for turning nothing into something anybody can make it I will help those who helped me but grades hard work positive attitude on and off the field skill will come this just only the beginning of future nfl superstar

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