Cheerleading is a Sport | Teen Ink

Cheerleading is a Sport

September 30, 2014
By BMScheerleader BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
BMScheerleader BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
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Cheerleading may look easy, but like all sports it takes hard work and dedication.

Do you think that it takes talent to be a cheerleader. Yes it takes lots of talent to be a cheerleader. How much… well it depends on the academy you go to, some places require a lot more talent.

Football players aren't the only athletes with a concussion problem. Cheerleading is by far the most dangerous sport for female athletes, many of the woman in cheerleading would put cheerleading before anything except their family.

Out of all sports cheerleading has 66% of all catastrophic injuries. A lot of people see cheerleaders as just girls that stand on the sidelines and cheer for their team. Maddie Gardner was and is one of the most well known allstar cheerleaders in the world she said “If you fall you might get hurt, and if you do try your hardest to suck up the pain and move on, or you will be replaced.”

  67 young cheerleaders suffered devastating injuries or deaths every year at least 20 of them die. This is more than football and volleyball combined in 1 year.

This is why people think cheerleading is more difficult and more dangerous than many sports.

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