Football Editorial | Teen Ink

Football Editorial

March 29, 2016
By Maddie22 BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
Maddie22 BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
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Over the years football has become a popular and dangerous sport. One of the most common injuries in football is a concussion. Since football has become so dangerous, many people believe that footballs upside do not outway it’s many downsides. Many people have been playing this sport for many years and it would be a horrible thing to take it away from them. Even if we tried to take football away, there are too many people that love the sport and it would be a very hard thing to do. If so many people love the sport you can’t take it away from them, even if you disagree with the style and injuries the game causes. Also, many people play football for a living. It would be very hard for the players to support their families without them being able to play football. Without football, most of the NFL players would be unable to provide for their families. In fact, a lot of professional and college football players come from very poor families, so their chances of making a decent living are slim because they don’t come from an area that gives them options and opportunities.. Finally, concussions are a problem that can easily be fixed with more rules protecting players  and better safety equipment. Concussions are not a big enough reason to ban football because they can be prevented. Football should be allowed because many people enjoy the sport, football players need their pay, and concussions are preventable things that should not end the sport. We do not agree with the statement that football shoudl be banned because we feel that with a little more safety equipment, football is a great game to play and should be allowed.

The first reason why football should not be banned is because many people enjoy playing the sport and watching the sport. If people try to take away football, many people would get very upset. According to cnn, about 111.9 million people watched the superbowl this year. This year was not even the most watched super bowl! The most watched super bowl, according to cnn, was in 2015. This super bowl had about 114.4 million viewers. This proves that millions of people love to watch football and would be very upset if it got taken away. If football got shut down it would not only hurt people involved in the NFL, but it would affect local store and  restaurant owners. In the article “What Would The End of Football Look Like” it says “Big stadiums will lose a lot of their value and that will drag down neighboring bars and restaurants, causing a lot of them to shut their doors.”A lot of people benefit from owning a bar or shop close to a stadium and if that stadium was to be shut down then there local business would suffer. Obviously, football affects not only players and fans, but local store and restaurant owners as well. Football is just too big and too important to be banned.

Another reason why football should not be banned is because playing football is a job and football players need to make an income. If we took away football, many football players would have a hard time trying to find a new job. According to the NY Times , many football players use football as a way to get out of poverty. Without football, they would have no other opportunities to become successful in their life. This would not be fair to them because most of them deserve to be successful because they are very talented. Most football players grew up in poor neighborhoods where education wasn’t valued, so finding a job without a proper education would be very difficult. This would make it very hard for them to find another job that gives them enough money to support themselves and their families. It was stated that, “Minimum salaries in the NFL reflect years of play in the league and follow a strict pay structure. In 2011, the minimum salaries of NFL rookies increased by $55,000 annually, to $23,437.50 per regular season game, or $375,000 a year.”  This shows that even if a football player were to find another job, they probably would not get paid as much as before and they would suffer financial troubles. All of this goes to prove that football should not be banned because football players need the money to support themselves. If football players are willing to risk their health for  better lives for themselves, then who are we to stop them?


The final reason why football should not be banned is because concussions are not as serious as many people thin. Concussions are one of the biggest reasons why people want to shut down football, but in reality concussions can be harmless if dealt with properly. Yes, concussions are very dangerous and need to be prevented for the players sake, but they can be dealt with. “47% of all reported sports concussions occur during high school football.” In high school, children have still not perfected their football skills which could explain why there are so many concussions at this time. Even so, if we still wanted to try and get rid of concussions, we could try to prevent them by making more safety equipment or adding some rules to the game to make it safer. Players also have to be more aware when they get a head injury. Many football players beg to go back into the game even when they get a serious head injury. This often make the concussion worse and causes long term problems. Today in the NFL if players get a head injury they are forced to go into the locker room and get tested for a concussion. This makes the game much safer for all the players despite how they might feel about this rule. If we do all of this, there should be no reason for us to have to ban football because of concussions.


In conclusion, football should not be banned because many people enjoy the sport, football players need the income, and concussions are preventable things that should not end the sport. It would be very hard to ban a sport when millions of people enjoy watching and playing the game. It may not be very safe, but the players know this and they try to be as careful as possible in order to prevent being injured. Also, many people need this sport as a job to make money to support themselves. Without this, most football players wouldn’t be able to get a job or support their families. Finally, many people think that football should be banned because of concussions. This should not happen because with a little more safety, we can prevent many concussions from happening. Football should not be banned because of these three reasons and even if we tried, many people would disagree.

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