my running experience | Teen Ink

my running experience

May 6, 2016
By kbrady01 BRONZE, Williamsport, Ohio
kbrady01 BRONZE, Williamsport, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day i was running and i hadn’t ate. I missed lunch because i didn't like the lunch we had at school. We had a cross country meet after school that day. I was on the bus and my stomach starting growling but i didn't think much of it. We arrive at hargest lake and the meet began. My event, high school girls race, was next up after all the boys had finished. I was out walking the trail before the race started and i still had not yet eaten. I stretched and got ready for my race and my stomach had an achy feel to it. I ignored the fact that i was really hungry and focused on running and doing my best.

Coach pete came over and gave us a pep talk and i was feeling very confident and excited for the race that day. The gun went off as the race began and i went off catching my group and finding a good place to settle in as the race went on. My first mile was going so great, i was at 7:15 when i crossed the mile mark. It was about a mile and a half when i began to feel strange. My eyes closed and i could keep them open. I started sweating more than usual and i began to lose all my breathe. I slowed down and began freaking out. I had no idea what to do. Another runners father was thankfully standing at the corner of the gravel trail i was going down as i passed out and fell down to my knees.

I didn’t know what had happened. I woke up and coach pete was holding my hand and telling me help was coming but i still couldn't breathe. All the feeling from my head to my toe was completely gone. I couldn’t get up or move at all. I was very scared at this point. I wasn't sure what had happened so i started screaming for my mom. I had no idea who anyone standing around me was. Mr. dennis’ mother-in-law, Karen, came. She and my little cousin jacob who is only 9 came and held my legs up to make blood flow through my body. Karen is a nurse so i'm glad i had her helping me. My mom finally got to me and i was so scared. I was barely awake and as i began to talk to my mom i lost all my breath and couldn't breath. My neck was swollen and i couldn't breath. I was holding my mom's hand and i passed out once again.

I woke back up and the boys race had started. I hear the gun go off and i wasn't really sure what the noise was. The ambulance arrived in a short amount of time after that. All these paramedics carried me onto a gurney and pushed me into the ambulance. My mom was allowed to ride in the ambulance with me because of my condition. Inside the ambulance these two people put an iv in my arm and connected my cord to a bag of water that would hydrate me. They held my neck up and put a neck brace around my neck. Then they connected oxygen tubes to my nose and hoped my breathing would come back soon. I was still in shock so i was so confused on what was happening. When we get to the hospital the doctors took my out of the ambulance and put me into a room in Berger hospital.

I could hear my mom running into my room and hugged me. I couldn't wait to see her. I couldn't remember anything or anyone for awhile. I kept asking my mom who i was and who everyone else was and what had happened and why i was there and stuff. My mom  told me but i kept asking. She later then told me that i had a bestfriend named mackenzie and that she was very worried about me. I wasn't really sure what she was talking about but i was in too much pain to care. Later that day after the took me through a lot of scans for my head my grandparents came and so did my cousin and my aunt and uncle. Some people from the cross country team that was running with me came to see me too. I was happy people came but weirded out because i wasn't sure who some of them were. I hadn't had my phone in a while so i asked my mom if i couldn’t have it and she said no because i had a really bad concussion. The doctors moved me into another room and said i would be there for the night until the other ambulance came to move me.

Around 2 am another ambulance came and transported me to nationwide children's hospital. There they told me i had a concussion and that i wouldn't be going to school for awhile. I missed about two weeks of school. When i came back i was so relieved to have feeling back into my body. I remembered that i hadn't seen my best friend mackenzie henry in almost two weeks. I was walking down the hallway and i went into her room and surprised her. She didn't believe i was back she fell down crying and she got up and ran and gave me the biggest hug ever. We both cried and i was so happy to have seen her again.

The author's comments:

this story  really inspired to me try harder and do good at what i do best and that running and to follow your dreams and if you have a passion for something you shouldnt let one thing ruin your chances to succeed. 

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