Vietnam a country,Not a war | Teen Ink

Vietnam a country,Not a war

April 6, 2013
By Thuy-ThuongVNpassion BRONZE, Davie, Florida
Thuy-ThuongVNpassion BRONZE, Davie, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Politeness is okay, but it gets old and boring. You want to attack life with a passion, not a politeness, you want people to think about you and remember you and say "she is so passionate" you don't want people to think about you and remember you and say "she is so polite," because, who cares about polite?”
― C. JoyBell C.

"When you think of Vietnam what is the first thing that come to your mind?"
Most people that I ask would say "The Vietnam War." Even Google,and Yahoo
I type in Vietnam first word next to it would be WAR".Invite students to raise their hands and ask what they know about Vietnam, not including the Vietnam War. This is a difficult question, even for adults! The Vietnam war has put in so many memories in the minds of millions. But Vietnam is a country not a war.

This time, I came back to visit Vietnam and I saw a people - majority of the population has put the war behind them. They have look towards the future. The war is long gone ,ancient history.But they I turn my back and saw children with birth defects cause by the chemicals during the war. People who get major injuries from the bombs left behind. At the same time I see American Veterans returning to Vietnam where their painful memories of the war, and working hard to help this recover people.

"The Vietnam battle field and tunnels are once war but they this places are now tourist attraction ."

I still see that America's top priority is searching for the missing MIA's. I somehow knew their feelings and emotion. That wave of grief and at the same time relief. Today in Vietnam,even though there is many memories and reminders of the war but people pay little attention.

I have seen Vietnamese and Americans move on from the war focused on the future.Together they have change Vietnam in many ways. The economy in Vietnam is climbing mountains. They have show me that Vietnam is not a war, it a country. Even though I have not experience the war but I have learn a lot about it. What I have experience is much deep and unforgettable , it's touching the soul of Vietnam. Getting to experience the vast culture, the optimistic people, the delicious food and the non-stop love of this country.
Even so, in a way, there's still a war on here. A war between holding on to the past vs. making a future. There is still plenty of hope, things seem to be changing quickly, perhaps to a time when Americans, like Vietnamese, will be able to think of Vietnam as a country, not a war.

The author's comments:
My desire for people to understand that Vietnam is no longer a war,it a country. My want for the American people and Vietnamese to keep the past as a memory, but the future is the goal. No longer soldiers of the battle field ,but friends of the future.

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