January 4, 2021
By KayleeTuy, Warren Ri, Rhode Island
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KayleeTuy, Warren Ri, Rhode Island
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Author's note:

Kaylee was always into writing more than anything else. Even though she wasn’t the best student in Language Arts. (If you finished this book then you would tell that she wasn’t.) In the beginning of her 6th grade year she was learning greek mythology and reading “Percy Jackson The lightning thief.” She got some ideas from her learning and from other books. Jet is a character that she thought of because a Jet 460 - 575 miles per hour! Wouldn’t it be awesome if a human could go that fast?! Kaylee is also a member of LGBQ+ so she got an idea about Niki. So no matter what you are and what you look like, be proud of it.



Everyone knows her as “Speed” but her real name is Jet Speed. (Or Jet for short) She is the goddess of speed and she is the fastest woman in the universe. Her real story begins today because I am the story writer/ narrator.

Jet was a little girl living with her mom in Main. Her dad, well her mother never wanted to talk about him so her mother got rid of all of the pictures they had together and it was always just Jet and her mom. The one thing that made Jet’s mom so happy was what talent Jet had in her. Jet was always into sports, games, and running. Her mom was in a good job and makes good money for Jet to buy new running shoes every time she bruns out her old ones. But what made Jet sad was how depressed her mother was. Everytime Jet tries to help her she would always say “No honey that ok I got it.” But a couple weeks after she turned 18 it all changed.

Present day June 8, 2020

“MOM!!!!” Jet yelled

“Yes sweetie?” Jet’s mom was in the living room.


“Do you know where I put my shoes? My good ones?”

 Jet was getting really for the first day of her new school and she wasn’t in the mood. She was really fatigue and she was dragging her body around the house. 

“Um I think they would be under the table.” Her mom said tiredly as usual. Jet found her shoes and put them on, but what Jet didn’t know was how much weirdness was going to happen today. Jet’s mom had made her famous muffins for breakfast and Jet loved those. 

“Mom did you make your muffins today? Because I think I smell something burning.” Her mom shot up when Jet said “bruning.” and ran to the kitchen. Of course nothing was bruning Jet just wanted the muffins. 

“Oh Jet don’t ever say that again! Ok are you taking the bus or do you want me to drive you?” Jet’s mother asked. 

“I’ll take the bus.” Jet started to leave the house and said goodbye to her mom.

 When she started walking to the bus stop thunder boomed, and she heard it from about 2 miles away. “Huh that’s weird the weather said it was sunny today.” She looked up and saw huge thunder clouds  as black as oil and started running. Lightning  was shooting down and for some reason Jet started to wonder about her father and once she got decracated “BOOM!” Jet got hit with lightning and started screaming her head off. 

The ambulance drove over to her and took her to the hospital as fast as possible.

 “M-mom? W-what happened?” Jet started to wake up in a hospital bed.  

“ OH HONEY YOUR AWAKE! THANK GOODNESS!” Her mother was worried sick and was crying like she got hit with the lighting herself. 

 “What happened? Where am I? AHHHHHH!” Every bone in Jet’s body was in pain, Like the lighting bolt was inside her. 

After the lightning hit and many healings Jet went back to school and didn’t even get the chance to introduce herself she missed the first day of school. But what happened was still on her mind. Jet was all over it even though nobody noticed that she was the one that got hit. Jet tried to focus on school and before in middle school her scores were average but now, she was thinking in all of her classes like she never has before. 

At the end of her first quarter she got straight A’s and this made her mom so happy she decided to throw a huge party for her. Her mother invited every single person in her freshman year. But Jet was nervous about this party and none of her freshman “friends” really enjoy her. 

“But mom, the only person that would really come was Niki! Why would we have to invite ALL the freshmans?!” Jet whined. 

“Jet this party might even make you some new friends. Why would you not want to make any friends besides Nicky? The full social world is waiting for you.”

DING DONG! Jet went to go get the door. 

“HEY! Is that my girl?” Niki was in her “I'm-ready-to-go-crazy” outfit as usual.  Niki was Jet’s best friend since they were 3. She would always help her with anything. 

“Yes it is!!” They hugged for about 5 minutes. 

“You guys are done yet?” Her mom said walking into the living room. 

Some Other kids from Jet’s school came in and the party was on! It was like Jet was in something. But then her bones started acting weird. She felt like her bones were melting but they also felt as strong as a rock. Jet ran to her room while Niki followed her. 

“What’s up dude? Why run away from our own party!? This party even has Reco in it!! You know your boyfriend?” Niki was really weird sometimes but that didn’t bother Jet, but what did was her bones. Even though Jet did have a crush on Reco ever since 1st grade and now they were freshmans having their first party and Jet ditched out on it. 

“Something is wrong with my bones. It’s like I can feel lighting traveling through each and every single 206 of them.”

 Jet never knew that there were 206 bones in a body though she did have straight A’s now, but something was off and they were going to find out. But Jet had to talk to someone first. Someone who would understand and would have deep meaning.

When they got to Jet’s therapist she sounded like she was crazy and Jet doesn’t think anybody really understands and when she acts like this she starts to wonder what her dad would have done. If she was thinking this hard her dad would probably say: 

“Get this off of your mind kiddo.” But that wouldn’t work for her, and even if it did she wouldn’t get it off of her mind of what happened. 

“Jet Speed!” Her mom sounded mad and the party was over when she got home. 

“I know mom I’m grounded for 2 weeks and no phone, no computer, no tv, and no video games.” Jet realized that when she had said that that was exactly what her mom would have said. “Did I just read her mind?!” Jet’s face was sweating and her mother looked at her like she was some wizard or something. 

“Jet honey, how did yo-” Her mom tried to finish. 

“MY BEST FRIEND IS A WIZARD!!! OH MY GOODNESS! SHE GROWS UP SO FAST!” Niki was over exauraing about it as usual but something was up and Jet was going to find out.

By that time Jet was so confused and she didn’t even know where to start with her questions. She wouldn’t ask Niki because she knew that she wouldn’t know anything about it. But there was only one person she can really go to but Jet wouldn’t think of talking to her mother just yet. Until Jet knows what's really happening to her she wasn’t going to tell her mom.

“Mom. I need to talk to you.” Jet said as she was going down stairs.

Oh come on! Of course she would let her mom know I'm just a narrator! (And the story writer) 

“Yea honey? What's on your mind? Still thinking about that Reco kid? You know, I really think you guys are cu-”

“Mom! Gross! And it’s not about him, even though he is still my crush.” Jet was looking at the ground and just changed the subject. She does that a lot, but she tries not to. “This is about me getting hit by lightning! What happened? Why do my bones feel so outlandish?” 

Jet’s mom was silent but she knew what had happened. She didn't want to but it was for her own good that she didn’t know until chapter 5. That would hold her off to think. What was bothering her mother was that if she was a good parent keeping her father away from her and if it was a bad or good thing to do. Although Jet would always ask questions about her father and what he was like. 

“Um honey, It’s best if you don’t know, ok? Maybe when you're older.” Her mom said nervously.

“But mom! I’m already 17! My birthday's coming up and I’m really desperate!” Jet was desperate, but not just to know who her father was. She wanted to know about her father then SEE him. But if her father was somewhere like Mount Olympus then she would not be able to see her father. Even though she was really desperate her mother would not let her know. 

“Honey you father is somewhere out in the world where it is impossible to be. If you're that desperate then you shall wait till your 20.” Her mother was starting to outsmart her own Daughter but that will not let Jet stop her.

“Ok then waiting until 18 it is. Good game mom good game.” Jet said as she was walking up stairs.

Niki and Jet were very close but something was off about Niki at school and Jet would know because when something is off with Niki she won't talk to anyone. 

“Niks what’s wrong?” Jet was sitting across from her, Niki was looking at the ground, like she was troubled. 

“Did you kiss my boyfriend at the party?” Niki said looking at Jet like she was crazy.

“What?! No why would I do that?!” Niki showed her a photo from chat snap and it was Jet and Niki’s Boyfriend together on her couch. 

“Nikis we were talking.”

“Talking about what?! Me!? Me being not good enough?!!?” Niki was starting to lose her temper so Jet had to do something to keep her calm.

“Niki, why would I ever think you aren’t good enough? Also how would you know if we were talking about you in the first place? You were the one that took that picture and the one that was spying on us, so you would know what we were talking about.” Jet was getting smart but when Niki was going to say something so other kids yelled “What’s up in the sky?! It looks like a bolt shape!!”

Niki and Jet were walking to where that voice came from. They looked up and saw a bolt shape in the clouds with Jet’s name on it. 

“Jet Bolt Speed?” Niki said.

Ever since yesterday at school whenever Jet walked by they would whisper to each other and point at Jet. She obviously had something to do with it because the bolt had her name. Nobody knows what caused the shape and what did it because nobody heard a plane going around. 

Jet would ask Niki what had happened that day but she was still mad about her hanging out with Niki’s boyfriend so she didn’t talk to her all day. Instead she asked somebody that she didn’t even think of but went to him anyway. 

“Hey Reco!” Jet said with thinking.

“Um hi Jet. What’s up?” Reco said, but when Reco talks to Jet he stares into her eyes and they look like baked brownies. (Which is Reco’s favorite treat)

“Ok so do you know someone that knows me and that doesn;t hate me and would put that sign up in the sky yesterday?” Jet said, trying to get out of there as quick as possible. 

“Um yeah.”Reco was lying but he wanted to tell Jet that he liked her so bad. 

“Ok who? And it can’t be Niki because she hates me right now.” Jet never had an actual conversation with Reco in forever! So this would be the first time she actually talked to him. “I wish Niki was here. Seeing me talking to Reco. She would be somewhere that I can see her and be giving a thumbs up right about now and that is what I need to make my day right now.”

“Um are you ok?” Reco asked. 

“Uh yeah just tell me who you think did it.” Jet said as she shot up from her thoughts.

“Uh me, but I-I didn’t like to do the cloud thing. What I’m saying, Jet is.. I have really liked you ever since 2nd grade when you fell over your chair.” Reco’s face was turning red. Jet was so happy! She couldn’t believe that the guy she liked ever since 1st grade like HER ever since 2nd grade. Jet was going to say “I like you to” or something like that, but she needed to stay focused on what is important right now.  

“Um Reco, I’d love to talk about this but I really need to stay on topic right now.” Jet never would have said that to Reco and he seemed gloomy after she said that to him. 

“Oh. Um. Ok. Well I don’t know who did it so see you in class.” Reco walked away and didn’t even look back at her.

“Poop! I would have told him I liked him but this is bigger than boys! I need to find out who did it and what is going on!” Jet thought. She felt miserable and gloomy as a rain cloud. But what she did was right. She should stay on topic more but she had to go and do some research at home.

The next day was Saturday. Jet was home with her mom as usual. Jet was up all night doing research on what happened 2 days ago and found 1 thing out of the whole night. What she found was not very helpful but at least it was something, so she decided to show her mom. 

“Mom. I think I found something on what happened at school on Thursday. But I don't know what it is exactly.” Jet showed her mom some pictures and that this hasn’t just happened to her, it happened to other people thousands of years ago.

“Whoa. This happened a lot to people. It says that nobody ever found out what that singh was but some people think it’s from Zeus god of lightning. It also says that whoever got the symbol with their name on it is a kid of Zeus! That’s impossible. I told him not to do that!!!” Her mom’s face changed when Jet looked at her with a look.

“Mom, my father is ZEUS?!? Why didn’t you tell me this?” Jet got a little angry at her mom from keeping an awesome secret. Who wouldn’t want to be a kid of Zeus?

“I thought you would be scared but from the looks of it you seem happy? Why is that?” Her mother was confused seeing that Jet was jumping up and down on the bed. 

“Mom, do you know how cool it is right now to realize that I’m a kid of Zeus?! I can’t wait to tell all of my friends!” Jet was really happy about this, but this was the wrong thing to be happy about. 

“Jet, you can not tell you friends about this. I repeat you can NOT tell your friends about this. If you do, it can put you into grave danger,” Her mother was being serious about this. “If you want to see your father you can climb Mount Olympos. Jet’s room faded into the bottom of Mount Olympos and her mother was nowhere to be seen, but for some reason Jet saw Niki and Reco with her. 

“Niki. What are you doing here? And Reco too? What’s going on here?”  Jet was looking around like she was in Hawaii or something, her brian trying to put the pisces together but didn’t have all of the pisces. Niki and Reco were confused as Jet although they were not freaking out as much and running around touching the grass and the bottom of the Mountain.

“Um, do any of you know what is going on, because I need to finish a game of volleyball and it’s freezing here.” Niki was in her volleyball tank top and shorts and she looked like she was going to become an ice statue, but then as soon as she said that coats and snow pants appeared on all of them.

“Ok, guys I know this might be really fracking but I know who my father is and I know that we have to climb this Mountain and for some reason and somehow my mom was able to teleport us here. And now we have to work together to find my father somewhere in this Mountain. Now I know yo-”

“Ok I’m in.” Niki said. Jet looked at her like she was crazy which is always the look she gets Niki. They both smiled and nodded to each other to face Reco who was looking at them like he knew they were going to die. But he agreed anyway. Some Mountain equipment came out of the clouds and they all started to climb.

Jet, Niki, and Reco have almost made it not even halfway through the mountain. They really wanted to just jump off and get on a couch. But they were about 85 ft above the ground already and there was no turning back. 

Niki complained “Ugh guys! Can we just climb back down?! We’ve been at this for hours!!” 

Niki was always like this when she was tried Jet could tell. But for some reason Reco said something that made everything silent: “Well how would you feel if you haven’t seen your father since you were born and found out something about him and what he does to the other kids and want to see him now?”  That’s what went silent, and then there was a sudden bolt that got all three of their attention. It was like Zeus was sending Jet a message but she didn’t know what or why. 

“What was that all about dude?” Jet said to Reco. All of a sudden she felt small anger between her and Reco, but of course he didn’t understand.

Reco shot back. “What do you mean? I was standing up for you against her.” 

“For what? She complains she can leave for all I care.” It was dead silent after Jet said that. Niki was on the brink of tears and wasn’t ready for that to be said. So then they all had a big fight about what one person said. 

“JET! I thought we were friends! I wanted to forgive you for hanging out with my boyfriend, but I guess you're never going to get my apologies because you're being THIS!” Niki was mad and felt anger and it felt good to her, fighting with Jet today is the first fight they ever had. 

“What do you mean?! I was always the one to support you when you needed it and as if I would actually kiss you boy toy. I wanted to become friends with you back, but I guess that’s not happening at all!” Jet was furious at Niki. She wanted to kick her off the mountain but then something happened. 

While Niki was screaming and yelling at Jet she acts like she has no idea what;s going on. Which is exactly what she was thinking. Some weird reason Jet’s brain flipped back to Jet being nice. Like something took over her brain to be mean to Niki.

It actually took Jet, Reco, and Niki one whole day to make it to the top of the mountain. And yesterday was the day before Jet's birthday and she didn't even realize it was her birthday after she woke up. 

“Guys1 Wake up it’s my birthday!”

Little did Jet know that one of her so called friends didn’t really care now and she was going to have a very special birthday surprise. From her father. 

“Ok and? You're turning eight-teen it’s normal.”Reco said. Niki mumbled something but Jet didn’t hear her because she was too proud of herself climbing this mountain. 

“I know but 18 is a big deal don’t you think? I mean who wouldn’t be proud of themselves?” Jet knew they were still mad about the other day when they were climbing, but the problem was she didn’t really care because she thought today was going to be all about her. 

Niki woke up to see Jet smiling and jumping around like she had only made it through this herself. Niki gave a look, but she knew what this meant. 

“Jet, you know that some times, well every time when it’s your birthday it is not always about you. That’s why some people don’t really care about keeping track about how old they are.” 

Jet was staring at Niki like she was crazy and sat and started to write down what she wanted for her birthday. The number one thing on her list is “seeing dad.” While Jet was doing this Niki and Reco were looking at each other and thinking about what they were doing with Jet in the first place. Niki, Reco, and Jet just stared at each other until a loud noise broke the silence. 

“What was that?” Niki turned to see clouds and an open gate.

“Jet Bolt Speed.” A dark voice said. “You shall come with us and be one of us as well.”

On the top of the mountain the gates on the clouds started to open. Niki was pale as a ghost. She had know idea the heck was going on. As Niki and Reco were flipping put in their minds Jet was putting the puzzle pieces together in her mind.

Ok so if this is Olympus and are on the top if it and my father is Zeus and there are weird gates  being weird. Does that mean I’m actually meeting him..? 

Jet put it together. She was going to meet her dad! But something didn’t seem right to her, like it wasn’t her dad. 

“Jet you shall come be one of us and become.. A goddess.” The voice said. 

“Are you really my father? You know Zeus? Are you really him?” Jet shouted. 

“No, but I am something better. Some one your mother and father know about. My name is HEADES” A shadow popped at the 3 friends and it was massive! They couldn’t believe what they were witnessing and what they were about to get themselves into. 

“I am your great powerful uncle and the best one I do may say so myself.” Hades said, starting a story that might be true to the back story of Jet’s family. “When we were looking for mortals to mate with your father was the first one to find one, but the one he found was your mother who, as I may say, is the one I wanted, but he had gone to her first.” Hades started to get sort of angry, but before he could make a move with the children (which was send them to the underworld for eternity as his slaves) his brother Zeus had come to the gate opening.  

“Is it just me or did I feel a weird connection with Hades?” Reco leaned to talk to Jet. She smiled and gave a little inside laugh. 

“I think that it was just you and your brain playing ‘Magic land’.” By then Zeus was looking down on Jet, Niki, and Reco all laughing together. 

“Was something funny?” Zeus interrupted the giggles. 

“Oh nothing dad, Reco thinks he is related to Hades. Which is weird because they do sort of look alike.” Jet was comparing the looks on Reco’s face and Hades’s face.

“Well that’s true, Reco is my son, and my only one.” Hades picked him up and put Reco on his shoulder. “See the world son, but there is only one place that would be better and that is, home.” Hades and Reco faded away to go to the underworld together.

“Well that was a twist, no wonder Reco felt like he didn’t belong on land.” Jet had a confused face on.

“Well Reco does seem to be a weird child sometimes.” Zeus said staring off into the sky. “But come with me Niki and Jet, I will show you around and, Niki, you can meet your mother.” Niki's eyes opened and she jumped. She had never seen her mother before but she pictured her in her dreams. 

“Really?! I've always wanted to see my mother! How did you know about her?”  Niki was surprised. She had all of these questions in her mind like: what does she look like? Or Is my mother a goddess? But jet on the other hand, sense she had put the pieces together in her mind, it was clear to her that she had found the person she was looking for her whole life ever since she was born. So this had to be probably the best moment of her teenage years. 

“So what are we going to do first? Train or something?” Jet laughed and so did Niki. Zeus just stared at them like they were crazy or something. 

“Well, yes. That’s what you shall do first. Good thinking Jet, but we have to have Niki see her mother, Aphrodite first things first.” Zeus said that he would show them around, but he went straight to Aphrodite.  

Once they got there Niki just stood at the front of the door. She was scared. After he mother left Niki was alone. Her dad left town for work and he wouldn’t come back for two weeks and Niki was only five years old at the time her mother had left. 

“I don’t think I really want to see my mother right now anymore…” Niki started to tear up, but some reason Jet wouldn’t let that happen. 

“Niki. Are you really doing this right now, I mean this might be your only change to see your mother right now and your mother is the goddess of beauty. I can also tell you that you guys have the same types of everything really. Also who helped me pick my prom dress and made me look beautifully weird?” Jet was giving a speech and Niki was not in the mood but she linseed anyway. 

“Me..” Niki said. 


After Niki got to see her mother she decided to stay back while Jet and her father, Zeus, went to training. It was silent for a while, Jet didn’t want to talk to her father because he abandoned her and mom to be alone, but Zuse broke the silence and tried to start a conversation. 

“So um, what have you and your mother been up to?” Zeus said. 

“Oh don’t act like you care now. After eight-teen years you left me alone and left the work all to my mother, and now you want to know what we’ve been up to? After eight-teen years?!!?  Jet was getting angry, but before she could say anything else they made it to the area. 

Jet was nothing like her father had ever seen before. She can swing her sword just perfectly and can move fast as a lighting bolt. It was like her mind was thinking of every step to make and how to do it and her mind was clear, but also thinking hard and fast.

“Wow you really have some talent there going on. I guess you sort of take after me with that sword.” Zeus was proud to have a daughter that takes after him.

Jett looked her father in the eyes and said “No, I would never take after someone who leaves another one behind.” 

When Jet walked away she felt guilt within herself, but she knew she had made the right choice leaving a coward behind, but what she did was bad, she knew, but the only problem was she did it to a god. Someone who created her, and someone who is related to the king of the underworld who could put her in her misery and her best friend was also related to the god of the underworld.

What have I done to the world? What happened to me back there? So much was on Jet’s mind that she didn’t even have any clue where to start with, and Niki saw it in her face that she was stressed.

“So my mom was pretty cool. You should have stayed, we talked and talked about clothes and stuff so I knew you would leave.” Niki tried to break the silence and tried to take the stress off of Jet’s mind, but she knew she wasn't helping as much. Just then Jet’s bones started to act like the lighting was in her bones, she screamed and everybody came outside to gather around her. Zeus came out and carried her to his palace. 

“W-what’s happening to me? Why do my bones do this?” Jet was shaking so much the couch was rocking around. 

“Do you remember when the bolt hit you? If so, what color were the clouds?” Her father was right beside her and trying to figure out what the heck was happening to his daughter .

“Um I think it was pitch black, like as black as a whole gallon of oil.” Jet calmed down a little bit now knowing her father was there for her now but not for the past eight-teen years still hung onto her. 

“Oh dear, I didn’t send that to you, but I know who did.” Zeus sounded scared. His lips were quivering and he was shaking, but you wouldn’t tell from three feet away. “Your uncle did this.. I don’t really know why, but we can find out. I’ll talk to him tonight about it. You can stay if you would like.”

Jet didn’t want to stay, she wanted to go home and never see her father again and go live with her mother for the rest of her life, but she was in so much pain right now. She knew she needed to stay, even if she had to deal with her father.

“Ok. We’ll stay.” Jet said weakly. Niki looked at her with a face that said “dude come on! If you don’t like your dad don’t stay!!!”  She knew what was going on, it was like Niki could read her mind,  but she didn’t want to tell Zeus about how Jet felt.

“Ok, I will be right back with some medication, and you can get some rest. I will be dealing with Hades.” Zeus left, came back, and left again. He brought Niki and Jet to a room and it was beautiful.  The walls with golden patterns, the floor wooden with gold stripes, it even had a massive pool.

“This whole room is ours?” Both girls were stunned to see that they can stay in this room, this would have cost them a fortune back at home. The kitchen floor was gray and white marble titles, the living room looked so cozy, Jet ran right to the couch and just layed there looking at the beautiful ceiling with the silver designs matched with the floor. There were also two full-sized beds! They wouldn’t have to share one!

“Yes you can stay for as long as you like.” Zeus smiled at them and then he called room service. “These are your servers, they can do anything you ask. This man here, his name is Zack. This woman here, her name is Rose. Just ask them anything and they will take care of it. Ok, I shall be on my way, don’t stay up too late girls! Goodbye!” Then as soon as Zeus left the room Jet and Niki looked at eachother and gave a grin. 

“Can we have….” Five minutes later the girls had unicorns, snowmen, and craziness in the room. It was a rodeo, but more crazier than ever. Sometimes they wonder if they are being crazy or just straight up serious about things like finding Jet’s dad. They started to get tired and threw themselves on their beds. 

“Man the past three days have been something.” Niki said, as both of them looked at the ceiling Jet knew something was wrong she had never had this much fun. This might also be because in school she would keep a low profile and sense she didn’t know something was up. 

“What does this feel wrong to me? Like, why does it feel like something bad is about to happen to this happiness ?” Jet asked Niki.

“Oh Jet I’m sure you're just overreacting.” Niki turned to look at her.  “Why the gloomy face girl? You met your dad, you got this awesome room. What else do you need? Oh. Don’t forget you also have your powers! What could go wrong?”

After the night before when Niki and Jet got all crazy they decided to go and meet up with Zeus for a little bit. They wanted to also know how they could see Reco again. Jet missed him and hasn’t heard from him in the past week. She wanted to know some things about how bad the underworld was or how to take down Hades if she needed to. 

“Are you sure that you are ok with this happening? I mean, I could tell you sort of hate your father.” Niki was worried about Jet, she could tell that she had a lot of stuff on her mind ever since they came here.  

“No, I think I want to know more about what's going on right now.” Jet and Niki were walking and bumped into something. “Ow! H-hey! Watch where you're going!” Niki was helping Jet up and they turned around to see Reco. 

“Oh you treat someone that wants to see you like this now? Ok I should just leave if you are still acting like this.” Reco turned and started walking slowly strangely. 

“Reco.. why are you walking slowly? Do you know anything about what your father did to me?” Jet showed him her arm, her vanse looked black and she felt weakness in her bones. Reco smirked, but he knew everything about this.

“Well, yes I do actually because I’m the one wh caused it.” Jet and Niki couldn’t believe what they just heard. “Yes that’s right, the first time we met, remember when we shaked hands? Well sense your father is Zeus and my father is Hades when we touched I put a curse on you.” Reco talked like he was George Washinton, proud about what he had done to the girl who liked him since grade school. 

“Why would you do that?! She's the one who liked you since first grade! You know the one that supported you, cared for you?!” Niki couldn’t believe what she was saying, but on the other hand she wasn't even thinking about Reco’s feelings right now, all she cared about was Jet. Seeing if she was ok with her lashing out at Reco. 

“N-niki I think we should start to go, I don’t think I could look at him anymore.” Jet was hooked onto Niki’s body. They tried not to touch Reco on their way to the cafe.

“Man can you believe that dude? I mean why would he do that to you?! You are a poor innocent child!”

Jet rolled her eyes when she said she was a child, but she was upset as well. 

Why would the person that I like put a curse on me? What if Reco knew I was related to Zeus and didn’t tell me, and reported back to his father about what happened to me getting hit by lightning and the lighting was something that they were using as a message to try and take something from me. 

“Niki what is the most important thing to me in the whole universe?” Jet asked. She gave Niki an eye so she knew that she was up to thinking hard. 

“Uh your mom?” 

“Right so when I got hit it was observed a message not from my dad, but from my uncle” 

“Whoa did you just figure that out in like, one minute?” Niki looked surprised, but she was also trying to hold in a laugh. She couldn’t help but laugh. Jet joined in. 


When they made it to the cafe Jet’s bones were better but not better than ever. She was still weak. Zeus stood and waved, the girls went to sit down. 

“So I talked to my brother but he only knew-”

“We know who did this to Jet.” Niki interrupted. “It was Reco, he said when they first met they shook hands right? So when they touched, he said they are the kids of the two brothers, ``Reco put a curse on her.” 

“Oh well yes that is correct, but he left out one piece of information.” 

“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Jet was holding her whole body now.

“Well since you're also a child of mine that means..” 

“That Jet also put a curse on Reco!” Niki jumped with the biggest smile on her face. Jet looked at her like she was something bigger. Like more than someone that just supports her, like someone special in her life. Maybe Jet didn’t like Reco, maybe she just hated him, but she found someone meaningful to her. 

“Whoa slow down there, we have to actually stop him you know.” Jet said.  Niki sat back down. “Ok, so how do we break the curse, or destroy it as I want to say. And speaking of destroying, can we go and kill Reco right now?” Jet had a temper and most of the time it can get out of control, but she caught herself before storming out and searching for Reco.

“Well, you can’t really destroy him alone. You have to kill them together.” Zeus had a considered look on his face. It looked like he wanted to be there, but just couldn’t help them fight the battle, but what he was worried about was the war. “When someone wants to take them down they combine.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Since Reco is the son of Hades they can combine their power to reach like it has before. We might need all hands on deck for this if you want to make it out of there alive.” Zeus was talking about the gods, goddess, and warriors to help them take Hades and Reco down.

“Where do I get my planning for battles from? Besides m’y brian I want to know, how do I always have a plan for the field of battle?” Jet wanted to know this because a lot of people think she was smarter now. 

“Well… Jet where you get it from it's complicated.” Zeus had been hiding something, and Jet could tell. “You get it from your mom, because your mother is Athena, goddess of battle, and plans.” Jet couldn;t believe what she just heard.

“Is she here now? How come she never comes over here? She's always home.” 

“Well she's here but she doesn’t want to see me right now. Remember when you saw a bolt with your name on it? Well she told me not to do that but I really wanted to know that I was your father.” Zeus said. He looked really upset, but Jet was there. Even though she didn’t want to give him comfort she still did.

“Well why don’t we see her right now? Say your sorry and you wanted to let me know.” Jet said. She wanted to let him know that she was there for him, even if he wasn't there for her. 

Zeus thought about that, he knew Athena didn’t even want to look at him right now but he still thought it was a good idea. 

“Ok, let's do it.”

When they went to Anthea’s palace, she wasn’t there. Zeus said that she might be at the home down on the land. They went to the house to check there. Some reason she wasn’t there.  

“Where else would she be?”

“We should check the office.” Jet’s mom works as a boss for a phone company, so that means she works extra hours. They go to look and she's not there as well!

“What happened to her? Where could she have gone?” Niki was confused. She looked at Jet who was in her “Don’t- look- at- me- i’m -thinking-” face. “What tricks do you have up your sleeve?” Niki said. Jet snapped out of it.

“Hey! I was thinking!!” Jet’s face was pink but thinking about Niki when she got her to snap out of it. 

Ok, so if Hades is the god of the underworld, and he hates people that means…

“I know where my mom is. She’s in the underworld. Hades wants me. My powers, but my other question is… why?” Jet was still figuring out what he wanted to do with her powers, and she only knew that we wanted them. “We need to get her out of there now, it’s me he wants. I should do this alone.” 

“Jet you cannot do this by yourself, that's like suiside.” Niki looked at her because she knew what trouble she was about to get into.

“Guys, I have my powers, my planing, and-”  

“Jet, you are going to need more than just your powers to defeat Hades.” Zeus knew what Hades was capable of and what that was, was only the beginning.

What Jet was going to do about it, was only the battle that Hades thought was a war.

The girls and Zeus were still figuring out how to take down Hades, get the good Reco back, and get Jet’s mother back. The girls went back to their amazing room while Zeus went to Athena’s Palace even though she wasn’t there he still felt like they were  connected from a long time ago. He still wanted to be with her even after what he did to hurt her feelings. 

How could he have done this to you? Does he really think you're much to him than you are to me? Zeus thought to himself. Think back to a memory when they met. It was like love met real love for the first time.

December 12, 1997, Grand st, Stacy’s house (Jet’s mom)

Zeus was in his disguise as his human form. he's walking down Grand Street at nine o'clock  at night, when he heard singing from an apartment building just one house down. He runs up to the house. Looking at the 5th floor window, he sees a woman singing her heart out like he has never seen before. The woman stops, Zeus can see the shadow of the woman about to tilt over and fall. He teleported to her room just in time to catch her in his arms.

Two days later the woman wakes up. Zeus is making tea and turns to see the woman up in her bed.

“Oh hello beautiful mortal.” Zeus says slimming, but something seems odd, like the woman wasn’t a mortal Zeus didn’t care all he wanted was to be with the woman. 

“Mortal? Hah! I know you! Your Zeus! Well in his human form.” The woman confused him. He gave her a tilted head, but ran over to her even though she was about three feet away. 

“How do you know that? Do not say that out loud!”

“I can sense you. My real name’s Athena goddess of-”

“Battle! Wow you look great in your human form. You want to grab dinner tonight?”

Athena wasn't so sure about the fact that she would be going out with the king of all gods. Everybody would want to date Zeus, even mortals, but this might be her only chance. 

“Um, first of all I’m the goddess of battle Strategy  and yes I would  gladly go to dinner with you tonight.  mind picking me up at seven sharp?”  

“Uh- yeah we can do that sure.” 


Present day 

Jet and Niki were chilling in their room, when there was a knock at the door. Jet went to go check it out. 

“Well hello there my favorite niece.” Hades looked at her with his red fiery eyes. They looked like hell, which is where they came from. Jet was surprised to see him by himself alone. 

“What do you want? Because whatever you want I probably don’t have.” Jet said, rolling her eyes.

“What do you mean? All I want is inside you.” 

The next day Jet thought about what the heck Hades ment. What was inside her? What power does she have? What does Hades want with it? So much was on her mind that she almost forgot who Niki was and it has only been a half-hour. Niki is worried about her. She thinks that Jet has gone crazy out of her mind. They both need to find out what was going on. Niki wanted to know something of her own, and that was how she could have her family get re-connected.

“I think we should take a break from this craziness for a while. Shall we?” Niki was holding the door for Jet but she was just laying on her bed starting at the ceiling. Still as an ice pop in the freezer. “Are you ok? You seem.. Focused. I have plans of fun we can do, like go and look down on our town and laugh at the kids who thought they were better than us.” She shut the door and sat next to Jet. Jet looked like a lost puppy, with her black-red striped hair and her blue eyes. Niki looked at her. Her hazelnut brown hair and yellow eyes made Jet realize that she might like Niki. 

Do I like her or not? Would she like me back or not? Jet knew she would make a move, but not right now. 

“Yeah. Let’s get out of here.” Jet sat up, put her shoes on and headed out with Niki. 


They went all over the place to check things out. While they were on their way to a water park one of the gods said that they should wish for things carefully because apparently if they wish for something it would come to them. 

“Just like the bedroom service! Jet this is so cool! I think it’s all connected somehow or something!” Niki was jumping around and going all over Jet. Jet’s face was turning pink, and Niki noticed so she stopped and looked away, but had a smirk on her face. They started brain stroming of what they should wish for that wasn’t stupid. 

“Oh I know! Why don’t we get some new clothes? You know to update our style?” Jet asked. 

“That’s cool. After all, I am the daughter of beauty. I’m going to need it.” Niki laughed and they headed to their room. 


Later that night, Jet decided to make her move and tell her that she had been thinking and that she likes her.

“Niki, I need to talk to you. About something important.”

“Yeah? What’s up?”

“I- I like you.. More than a bestie.” 

“Whoa. Um can I have a minute?”

“Yes of course .”

Niki went into the bathroom and started screaming with excitement. 

“Yeah, I like you too.”

When they went to bed Jet stayed up. She was happy with true happiness but she only had one more problem. What did Hades want from her?  

The next day the girl got ready for another day and started a new day.  

“So I heard that your dad is throwing you a party. You wanna go?” Niki was getting ready for the party hoping Jet would say yes because she already had an amazing outfit on. Though Jet had other thoughts. She wanted to take Niki on a date today, but this could be her date with her. There was one problem. Her dad was hosting it. Jet was slowly getting good with her dad, but that was only because she got a very beautiful room. She was mad at him. Felt angry every time they saw each other, so if she went to the party she would be a party pooper and Niki wouldn’t like that.

“Sure I’ll go. I’ll just avoid my dad.” Jet was being sarcastic. She does this when she hates someone and over thinks. 

“Why the mood? I thought you always wanted to see your dad.” She sat next to her and Jet knew that she was going to get some leisure so she had to get out of that situation. 

“What are you talking about? I think we should go. I mean unless we don’t go which would make it easier not to even look at my dad.” Jet knew she had gone too far which means, she was going to have to put up with the advice and go to the party. 

“Jess, though you might hate your dad. ‘Hate’ is a very strong word, and who knows maybe he might throw this huge party just for you.” Niki looked at Jet right in the eye and that finally got her to go. 


At the party there was a massive amount of gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures. The party was at the center of Mt olympus and it looked like it covered Jet’s whole town! 

“Whoa. This place is like our whole town, but way more interesting.” Niki was excited, finally she can be herself. A crazy teenage girl. She noticed Jet wasn’t acting like herself. She was still thinking about the mission and the main reason why they were here. “C’mon. Why don’t you lay off the thoughts for about three hours and come party?” Niki asked

“Niki, I have to keep my thoughts in my head. Or else I won’t even remember why we came here! My mom is somewhere in the Underworld and we have to find her. Let's go!” Jet attempted to grab Niki’s arm but Niki dodged it. Jet hated when she acted like this but she also really liked her so she couldn’t really fight with her right there at a party. She would seem too much of a parent to her. Jet also kind of wanted to be at the party, but she just went to the food table and it was full of good looking food. It looked like she had just fallen into a whole new world. Which she did, but still she just chomped everything down until at the point everyone there was staring at her like she was a monster that just ate and ate everything from caramel apples to something Jet doesn’t know what it is!

A few hours later it was midnight. Niki and Jet were there for about five hours now, but they didn’t seem to care. Like all of the other gods, goddesses, and mythical creatures, they just kept their minds free. So free actually Jet completely forgot about her mother, but Niki remembered and started to freak out like she was a dog chasing its tail. 

“Jet! You didn’t forget something important did you?!”

“What Niki? We’ve only been here for like five minutes. We just got here.” 

“Niki, we have been here for five hours. I thought you wanted to find your mother.”

Just then Jet remembered. She paused. Looked around then into Niki’s eyes.

“Your right we have to go.” Jet grabbed Niki’s arm, and ran out, but they could only make it half way. They met someone they didn’t want to see at this time. 

“Well hello there beautiful.” Reco as standing at the gate entrance to go to the party. With Hades. “ Why leave so soon? I just got here.” 

“We are leaving because um we left our dog in our room.” Jet wasn’t thinking now. Ever since she had the food her brain wasn’t thinking of anything or anyone.

“You don’t have a dog. Jet neither do you Niki.” Hades said. His fire on his head was blue which means he was calm. “You aren’t trying to avoid us are you?” 

“No we are just leaving, because with our great room service they egt us anything we want. So therefore we have a dog now.” Niki said. “So can we leave now?”

“If you must, but you should come and see us sometime.” Reco gave the girls a paper with their address on it, but Jet’s paper had a phone number on it and Reco gave her a ‘call me’ sign. “Okay. You guys can leave.”

Niki looked at Jet while they were walking out. Jet had an idea in her head, and the target’s location was easier to get than she thought.

Jet and Niki made it to their destination, their fancy room, and they started talking about the plan Jet had. 

“Wow you got it all fingered out. Nice work!” Niki exclaimed. 

“Yeah, but let's just hope it works. Sometimes I think the gods aren't that knowledgeable.” Jet said as she taped her head. Niki laughed, but she was worried about her mom as well. What if Hades took Jet’s mom to prove something about her? Or if Hades would capture Niki’s mom next?! She had to warn her mom. 

“Hey I have to go, but I'll be right back. I just want to see my mom.” Niki said. While she was walking out the door  she muttered “Yeah to see if she's okay..” 

“MOM!” Niki burst through the golden doors that were about twelve feet tall. Her mother looked at her sharply. 

“Young lady! How dare you enter here like a savage!? Look at what you're wearing! What a monster!” Aphrodite screamed and threw a fit. While she was screaming, Niki got a flashback. Everyone would call her a monster in school. Thanks to her mother she got bad vibes. 

February 14, Valentines day 2017  Gucci elementary school

Niki was so excited. Today was valentine's day! Finally the day to tell her crush she liked her. Niki was running around her room trying to find the perfect outfit to wear to impress. She found a black vest with some jeans and a shirt with a fire heart. 

“I look so good. I’m going to ask her out to the dance too!” Niki started dancing and that woke her dad up.Her dad had brown hair and green eyes like her mother. 

“What’er doing up silly goose? You’re never up this early and always late to school.” Niki’s dad rubbed his eyes and stretched his back. Her dad is a construction worker so his back has been hurting lately.

“Dad, it's the very special day of the year! Valentine's day!” Niki was still dancing around her dad laughing.

“Why yes! Hey you wanna see something? Come with me.” Her dad took her to the garage and Niki’s mouth dropped as she saw something that she wanted, but had to wait until christmas. It was an electric mini car. Niki’s eyes teared up. She just had the thought that today was going to be the best day out of her entire life. Her dad started to get ready and went to drop her off at school. 

“Have a very awesome day sweetheart! Happy Valentine's day!” He gave her a kiss on her forehead and waved goodbye.  

“Bye dad! Have fun at work!” Niki waved and walked into her school. There were more kids coming in than usual. Then she saw her. She was blue-haired with purple eyes, and had the best humor. Niki was scared to tell her, but she did it anyway. 

“Um, h-hi Crystal! I have something to tell you that’s really important and I need to say it in private please?” Niki was stuttering, but it didn;t matter to her. All she wanted was Crystal to herself.

“Yeah sure let's go over there so no one can hear us ok?” She led Niki to the bathroom that no one would ever go into because as 3rd graders they thought it was haunted even though Crystal started that rumor so she could have the bathroom to herself. “What did you want to tell me?” She asked.

“Um… C-crystal? Will you be my v-valentine?” Niki held out some flowers. Crystal’s face looked disgusted. Niki thought it was because of the flowers so she threw them out. “W-well?” Niki was about to be in for something that she never knew was coming.

“Ew you gay freak! You’re a monster!!! Get away!” Crystal shoved Niki out of the way and headed to her group of friends. Niki just stood there, staring at herself in the mirror. 

“What am I? Who am I?” Niki started crying. Sat in a stall until the end of their school day came and her dad drove up to pick her up. Niki didn’t look like she wanted to talk about her day. So they drove home in silence. 

Present day… 

“Don’t you dare call me that…” Niki was getting into rage. Until she saw Jet standing next to her holding her hand, at least something calmed her down. 

“What was that? How dare you talk back to your mother?!” Aphrodite shouted. 

“I SAID DON’T CALL ME A MONSTER!! AT LEAST DAD KNOWS SOMETHING YOU DON’T!” Niki was stepping up, but also standing up for herself. 

“And what is that?” Aphrodite asked as her hair was flowing to the right even though there was no wind.

“I’m lesbian. I’m proud to be. I found out in 2nd grade. You were probably too busy looking at yourself in the mirror to realize.” Niki gave an attitude which was funny to Jet. “We should go now.” Jet and Niki left Aphrodite in her empty room and started talking about how they were going to save Jet’s mother instead of Niki’s.

The girls went to see Zeus and he was sitting on a Recliner relaxing. They  stared at each other and asked him how they would be able to go to the underworld.

“Why would you want to go there? It’s a horrible place. Also very dangerous. I’m not going to tell you because you're both going to die.” 

“Please dad! Mother is down there! Hades has her!” Jet started tearing up and whining. 

“Why do you want something from me now? Ever since you came here you hated me.” Zeus said. His eyes were closed and he was eating a bag of chips. “Well if you must and I do want to see your mother again. So yes you can go. Room service! Get me the map to the underworld!!”

“Yes sir!” The butler said. He came out with a really old map that had ripped sides and it looked like a pirate map. 

“Uh Zeus are you sure this is the right map? This seems more like a kiddie pirate map then a “Hey I’m going to the underworld map”.” Niki said. Jet laughing by her side. 

“Yes this is the map.” He handed it to them. “Have fun and don't die!” Zeus shouted as Jet and Niki took the map and left the palace. As they were walking back to their room, Jet was thinking about if this would be okay or not. 

What if we don’t come back?  She thought. Jet went with her gut and forgot about her thoughts, but little did she know what was going to happen. 

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