Alien Queen | Teen Ink

Alien Queen

January 17, 2019
By Derpyomama, Provo, Utah
More by this author
Derpyomama, Provo, Utah
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You wanna do it, then do it" -Me

As I struggled to break free of my tele-bonds out of the corner of my eye I saw the Alien Queen sacrificing Ted to the gods above. I broke free and ran towards the Alien Queen and she raised her scepter and blasted me to oblivion.

I woke up in a cold sweat, It was only a dream. I ran over to the next room and woke Ted. He woke groggily “What now?” he said.  “What? I didn’t wake you.” I say. “Huh. It must have been a hallucination.” As we scurry downstairs I see a greenish, purplish blob run by.

“Ted must not be the only one that is hallucinating.” I mutter.  As we walk downstairs I smell the delicious aroma that Aria is cooking up for breakfast. We sit down and I begin to discuss my dream to Aria. Aria  gasps “ I just remembered the S.F.A.C wants you to be the first people to travel to Sector 5D.” Ted says” Isn’t that where we discovered the first alien species?” “Yep” Aria replies.  “The S.F.A.C is asking us to die?” I say “No, they want you to find a new alien species.” “How? We already searched each planet.” Ted says “They found a cavern a few years ago and they picked up lifeforms in the cavern.” I said   I think to myself “The S.F.A.C is hiding something.” I think we should head out to meet them at the Celiac Gulch. The Celiac Gulch is very dangerous with lots of monsters. Either the S.F.A.C is mental or they are complete monster hunters. Monster Hunters are very rare considering how many Aliens there are.  If monster hunters did not exist the team on 5D would have not succeeded in the operation. Galaxy 5D is a very dangerous area for anybody who does not have a weapon. Aria then handed us some missile launchers, and smoke grenades. Just then we heard a loud BOOM someone was attacking the array! Red Alert! Red Alert! the sirens blared and people ran around screaming. Then we heard a THUNK as the unidentified flying object boarded the array.  The Aliens came out and said “Never go to the Eternal Maze.” That night I slept with that in my head. What could that alien mean? The whole night I pondered on what he meant.

I was running through the dark and empty hallways searching for a way out. The walls closed in on me and the darkness overcame my senses. When I woke I saw the Alien Queen raising her staff to finish the final blow, but it never came. I stood up and saw the Alien Queen laughing maniacally. Ted’s sprawled unmoving body across the altar. I fell to the ground. It hit me like a blow to the stomach. Ted was dead!

The next morning I awoke. Yet again it was only a dream. I went downstairs and promptly collapsed. The dream had taken so much out of me even though I didn’t do anything. As I sat on the couch I thought to myself what are these dreams trying to tell me? I finally concluded that the dreams were trying to tell me to protect Ted. Just then Ted came downstairs. “What’s wrong with you?” He asks. “Just a bug.”I replied.  

“Well hopefully you feel better tomorrow we’re headed to Sector 5D.” He says. That jolts me onto my feet. “What!” I say. “They can’t send us there on such short notice!”I say.  I’m gritting my teeth now and the anger is swelling up in me like a balloon. Suddenly, it just falls out of me like a deflating car tire. Then we heard Aria call “The S.F.A.C is here!” I run down the stairs and jump on the S.F.A.C officer and yell as I strangle him. “We are not ready, Wait one month or else!” The officer’s face is turning purple like a giant Cilanic flower.  Aria finally pulls me off and the officer runs home and says. “You’ll regret that!” I have a sinking feeling in my gut that what the officer said is right. Aria pulls me by the ear and throws me onto the couch and lectures me for an hour. This is what it was like.

“What was that for?!” I yelled.

“You almost killed him!” She yelled back.


“Don’t use that tone of voice around me mister.”

Me: ……

I stomp up the stairs and slam the door shut behind me. I fall against the door breathing heavily. My mind is racing as I lay on my bed what is wrong with me? Then I hear something clomping up the stairs. I open the door but it is not Aria or Ted. The scream is stuck in my throat!


The scream finally came. Then I saw it! It was the purplish- green blob that I saw yesterday! It was now a horrendous giant brute. It ripped open my hamster cage and started to eat Snowy my hamster. It gobbled him up then it burped tufts of black fur. He turned to face me “Never go to the Eternal Maze!” or your hamster won’t be the only thing dead. Then it scurried off.  I ran downstairs Aria and Ted were knocked out on the couch. The door was wide open and the street was quiet. I shut the door and tried to care for Ted and Aria as well as I could. Ted was the first to wake. He screamed “ Get out of here you foul beast!” I tried to calm him down as best as I could. He finally came to his senses as Aria began to wake. I found out by testing Ted’s breath that the Green Blob used sleeping gas on Ted and Aria. I asked Ted to help me diagnose a antidote for the sleeping gas. Because, who knows what we might encounter during the Expedition of sector 5D……

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This book has 1 comment.

on Jan. 26 2019 at 3:10 pm
Awesomesauceme, White Rock, Columbia
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Your story's good, but it's hard to read. You're supposed to create a new paragraph each time a new character speaks, and also when a new subject is introduced. You mostly forget these rules, which makes your paragraphs lengthy, filled with too many subjects, and too hard to digest in general. Your story is genuinely interesting, but it's hard to show it when it's is so hard to read. Good luck!