You only live once | Teen Ink

You only live once

August 10, 2021
By _IntrovertedTeenager_ SILVER, Delhi, Other
_IntrovertedTeenager_ SILVER, Delhi, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We all only live once, so it is better to live your life to the fullest. Every teenager has a ‘bucket list’ but most people don’t complete their bucket list, because guess what? They forget how to have fun. They just grow up, get sucked into a corporate job, and forgets about their dream, their bucket list, how to have fun, literally everything. I'm not saying you shouldn't grow up, but when you do grow up don’t forget that teenage side of yourself who wrote that bucket list. Remember you wrote that bucket list because you wanted to do that in your life! I am a teenager and even I have a bucket list. Like one of them is to visit Norway (my dream destination), but I'm afraid that what if I grow up-get a job and forget all about Norway. I know I will regret not visiting Norway on my deathbed. You see money isn't everything but your happiness is. So remember you only live once make sure you won't regret 'not doing something' when you grow old. Growing up doesn't mean you should stop having fun right? So go, dig up that bucket list of yours and complete it! It's never too late to have fun. 



Introverted teenager

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for "future me" to make sure that I won't get sucked up into the corporate world and forgets how to live 

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