perception of time passed | Teen Ink

perception of time passed

October 26, 2021
By Anonymous

As you get older, time passes faster. It’s a public secret; everyone knows it, but no one really talks about it much. Think back to elementary school, maybe even kindergarten...those days were always really really slow, right? You lived through the whole day, every hour felt like an hour and a week felt like the way a week should be. Time felt solid, like the ground under your feet, or the ceiling of your house. Like something you could use to root yourself. It felt stable. But recently,several hours are gone with barely any realization that they have passed, and weeks pass even faster than days. Sometimes there’ll be a brief flash of clarity that it’s been 4,5,6 hours, but still the day is just gone like that. Really, everyone says time goes faster as you age, that’s true, I guess, it just feels more like it’s vanished with no indication to me.  It’ll get worse with age, right? It’s a bit scary, knowing that, but I think it’s best to just ignore it.

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