Violence in the world | Teen Ink

Violence in the world

May 31, 2024
By Bua BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
Bua BRONZE, Manchester, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Guns  make people feel unsafe from going out because people with guns just shoot people in the streets nowadays for no reason or if they want to rob money. There’s two ways for guns to be used. It can be used in a good way in a bad way for example using gun in a good way is hunting the animals and to defend yourself without shooting a person In a bad way of using a gun when you act like a gangster in the street when you’re really not and accidentally shoot somebody or you shoot your enemies, you don’t like or just for fun but sometimes using it for fun can put yourself in danger because you accidentally shooting somebody when you don’t mean to shoot them and when shoot innocent animals.

Guns everywhere can stop people from going outside to have fun or go to stores or just going outside in general because nowadays people just use guns for fun so it can be very scary for people. People use guns at any age nowadays even little kids know how to use it because adult encourage them or give it to them for their “safety”or they just steal it from their family, guns comes in all kinds of shape and they said there’s a lot in the united state then any other state so this country is very dangerous and u can buy one when u turn 18 but people buy it for their own safety knowing there’s other way to handle situations without guns because people lie sometimes claiming its  for safety when they really use it for bad behavior such as shooting  even the police carry one on them for safety. It’s scary with guns that the number of people in the world decreasing yearly but i personally think weapons can be used for self-defense, hunting, providing a sense of security and enjoyment for some. However, they can also lead to accidental injuries, homicides, and suicides.

Gun Violence - Amnesty International

Gun violence is a daily scourge that threatens our most fundamental right: the right to life. More than 600 people die every day as a result of firearms violence, which is driven in part by easy access to firearms – whether legal or illegal.

Anyone can be affected by gun violence, but it often disproportionately impacts people of color, men and boys in deprived communities, and other marginalized groups. Domestic violence involving firearms also puts women at heightened risk of death or life-changing injuries.

Sometimes, the mere presence of firearms can make people feel threatened and fearful for their lives. They may be too afraid to attend schools or health facilities. Community-wide gun violence may prevent services from fully functioning, which can harm access to education or healthcare.

The vast majority of gun violence occurs outside of armed conflict settings. A significant proportion – in some states more than half – of firearm deaths are caused by suicide and accidents.

Our human rights are not protected if our leaders fail to tackle and end the epidemic of gun violence and gun deaths.


This goes out to people who owned a gun or wanted one i just wanna let them know that there's other way of handling safety instead of guns because u can get put to jail for killing people can use stick for defense or harmless weapon there's a lot of harmless way to handle every situation in life and i just don't agree with guns as protection.

The author's comments:

I agree with this i think this should be elagal and in order to keep people safe 

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